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Tracking Fish Populations and Movements to Support...

We are studying the effect of watershed restoration on fish communities and their movements in mangrove estuaries in southwest Florida. Our goals are to compare fish movements and populations across ...

Tracking Fish Use of Engineered Habitats

In partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering With Nature® Initiative, we are using acoustic telemetry to track fish movements in engineered and restored habitats to determine how ...

Transportation Systems and Flood Resilience under ...

We are investigating how coastal flooding is impacting surface transportation networks in Hampton Roads, VA. This work combines hydrodynamic, morphodynamic,  pavement, and economic models to predict the effectiveness of natural ...

U.S. Virgin Islands Coral Reef Resilience Prioriti...

We are identifying coral reefs and underwater habitats in the U.S. Virgin Islands that have high resilience properties and potential to withstand current and forecasted climate change conditions, such as ...

Ultraviolet (UV) light-enhanced toxicity of oil to...

One of the lingering questions after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill concerns the toxicity of thin oil sheens to aquatic species, and whether toxicity may be magnified by interaction of ...

Understanding and Predicting Changes in Coastal Ma...

We are developing marsh conservation and restoration guidance for the central coastal region of North Carolina from eight years of yet unpublished, continuous water-level data combined with field measurements of ...

Understanding the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Cora...

We are evaluating sea level rise vulnerability and flooding risk in combined coral and mangrove ecosystems in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Results will inform nature-based solutions, adaptation planning, and coastal ...

Untangling How Canopy Kelp Contributes to Coastal ...

Kelp forests can support local communities in a variety of ways, including wave attenuation, food production, and erosion reduction. Yet, these submerged plants are not widely regarded as providing coastal ...

Using Acoustic Telemetry to Project Fish Distribut...

Matt Kendall and Bethany Williams prepare to tag an adult red drum, Chesapeake Bay, July 2024. Credit: Captain Stephen Griffin. NCCOS is using acoustic telemetry to track movements and identify ...

Using ESLR-funded Data Sets and Tools to Evaluate ...

We are assessing the environmental and economic tradeoffs of different nature-based solutions and traditional infrastructure for backshore dune environments in the Pacific Northwest. This will help communities identify land management ...


Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Awards $2.2 Mill...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) is allocating over $2.2M in Fiscal Year 2020 to fund coastal resilience research across the nation. Approximately $589K will cover the first ...

NCCOS, USACE Collaborations Highlighted in New Eng...

Top: Aerial view of Swan Island in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, following placement of approximately 60,000 cubic yards of dredged sediment; placement completed in April 2019. Bottom: Taken in August 2020, ...

Researchers Survey Living Shoreline at NCCOS Lab i...

A riprap-sill "living shoreline" on Pivers Island in Beaufort, North Carolina, home of the NCCOS Beaufort Lab and the Duke University Marine Lab. Credit: Carolyn Currin, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS scientists, ...

Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Announces FY21 F...

Highway 12 along the Outer Banks of North Carolina after Hurricane Dorian. Credit: NCDOT. The NCCOS Competitive Research Program is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2021 Federal Funding Opportunity ...

Oxygen Loss and Ecosystem Impacts in the Californi...

Aerobic habitat compression for anchovy. Aerobic habitat compression in 2100 compared to 2000. Areas in red will lose the most habitat suitable for anchovy. Circles are anchovy observations, with larger ...

NCCOS Supports 'Living With Water' Resilience Proj...

The Battleship NORTH CAROLINA and the adjacent flood-prone visitor parking lot. The Battleship is currently surrounded by a cofferdam for ongoing hull refurbishment. Credit Ryan Giannelli, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS scientists ...

'Acidification' Causes Crumbling of Deep-sea Coral...

A new study shows that the waters off the California coast are a natural laboratory for observing the effects of ocean acidification on cold-water coral reefs. California’s ocean waters have ...

Underwater Grasses Can Improve the Acid Balance in...

Surface view of the Vallisneria americana SAV beds at Susquehanna Flats. a broad, tidal freshwater region located near the mouth of the Susquehanna River at the head of the Chesapeake ...

The Effect of Sand Fencing on the Structure of Nat...

Sand fencing on Bogue Banks, NC. Photo: NOAA Figure 1. A conceptual model of the processes that influence dune formation of a fenced seaward dune in front of an existing ...

Salt Marsh Carbon Capture & Response to Sea Level ...

Nathan McTigue, former NRC post-doc with NCCOS, carrying a sediment core removed from a salt marsh on USMC Base Camp Lejeune. The results of this research project, including analysis of ...


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Data & Publications

NCCOS Assessment: Coral Disturbance Response Monitoring (DRM) along the Florida Reef Tract following Hurricane Irma from 2017-10-09 to 2017-10-18 (NCEI Accession 0179071)

This data set contains both coral demographic data and roving diver surveys conducted on October 9 - 18, 2017 to assess the impacts of Hurricane Irma on sections of the Florida Reef Tract. A total of 57 sites were completed, ...

NCCOS Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (EESLR-NGOM): Mean High Water and Salt Marsh Productivity (Hydro-MEM) (NCEI Accession 0170338)

This dataset contains salt marsh productivity projections under different sea level rise scenarios for the northern Gulf of Mexico (Florida panhandle, Alabama, and Mississippi) using a coupled hydrodynamic-marsh model called Hydro-MEM (Alizad et al. 2016a and 2016b). The modeled outputs ...

NCCOS Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (EESLR-NGOM): Simulated Return Period Stillwater Elevation (NCEI Accession 0170340)

This dataset comprises stillwater storm surge projections for 2100 for the northern Gulf of Mexico (Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle) using a high-resolution coupled SWAN+ADCIRC model (Bilskie et al., 2016a). These results are from a predictive model in a ...

NCCOS Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (EESLR-NGOM): Simulated Storm Surge (NCEI Accession 0170339)

This dataset contains simulated storm surge results for the northern Gulf of Mexico (Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle) using a high-resolution SWAN+ADCIRC model (Bilskie, 2016b). The modeling approach incorporates dynamic processes including salt marsh evolution, shoreline and dune height ...

NCCOS Long-term Monitoring Project: Regional Ecological Assessments and National Benthic Inventory

NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) works in partnership with other federal agencies and coastal states to conduct assessments of ecological condition and potential stressor impacts throughout our Nation’s estuaries, coastal-ocean waters, and NOAA protected areas; carry out ...

NCCOS Monitoring: Six-minute water level, temperature, and salinity data from Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC, 2008-02-21 to 2018-11-06 (NCEI Accession 0203764)

This dataset is an inventory of 6-minute water level, water salinity, and water temperature data from two secondary water level stations at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC, collected between 2008 and 2018. The Mile Hammock Bay (MHB) ...

NCCOS Project: Kachemak Bay Ecological Assessment

Kachemak Bay, in Cook Inlet Alaska, is a rich, diverse marine ecosystem and contains all of the estuarine and coastal habitat types found in the Gulf of Alaska. However, the bay has experienced significant long-term and recent environmental and ecological ...

Nekton assemblages along riprap-altered shorelines in Delaware Bay, USA: comparisons with adjacent beach

Riprap-reinforced shorelines are becoming more prevalent as a result of increasing coastal development and sea level rise. Altered morphology at the land-water interface, associated with riprap shorelines, has the potential to reduce shore-zone habitat quality for associated nekton species. The ...

North Carolina Sentinel Site Cooperative: Report on the 2017 Partners Meeting

The North Carolina Sentinel Site Cooperative (NCSSC) was established in 2012 as part of a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) effort to provide coastal communities and resource managers with information on the potential impacts of sea level rise on coastal habitats. The ...

Numerical analysis of the primary processes controlling oxygen dynamics on the Louisiana shelf

The Louisiana shelf, in the northern Gulf of Mexico, receives large amounts of freshwater and nutrients from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya river system. These river inputs contribute to widespread bottom-water hypoxia every summer. In this study, we use a physical–biogeochemical model that ...

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