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Scientific Support for Mesophotic and Deep Benthic...

We are working on a collaborative set of projects to better understand and restore mesophotic and deep benthic communities in the Gulf of Mexico impacted by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon ...

Sea-Level Rise Modeling as a Catalyst for Effectiv...

In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy and the Hawaii Sentinel Site Cooperative, we are evaluating the effects of sea level rise of unique coastal habitats on the west coast of ...

Shallow Water Hypoxia: Tipping the Balance for Ind...

We are investigating the impacts of extreme daily fluctuations in oxygen and pH on fish and invertebrates in the Chesapeake Bay. The modeling tools we produce will improve the ability ...

Shifts in Seagrass Species Composition: A Sentinel...

We are using aerial and satellite imagery, field surveys, and tank experiments to answer questions regarding climate change impacts to the coastal seagrass beds of North Carolina, particularly seagrass susceptibility ...

Shoreline Habitat Types and Erosion Rates on Marin...

We determined rates of shoreline change in the New River Estuary and Intracoastal Waterway adjacent to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune over the past 50 years. We investigated the relationship ...

Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity Regional Ec...

Approximately forty percent of total U.S. commercial fishery landings by weight come from the Bering Sea. In response to declining Walleye pollock abundance in the southeast Bering Sea, NCCOS supported ...

Spatial Predictive Modeling of Threatened ESA Cora...

We are using predictive mapping to predict Threatened coral species distributions in the U.S. Atlantic and Caribbean and provide interactive maps of predicted distributions. Outputs are data-driven spatial predictions of ...

Stormwater Runoff in Coastal Watersheds: Predictin...

We developed a stormwater runoff modeling system to predict the impacts of development and climate change on stormwater runoff in small coastal watersheds. The model quantifies runoff using climate change ...

Supporting Ecosystem Prediction and Environmental ...

We are supporting research that will identify areas of the California Current that are susceptible to ocean acidification and low oxygen and how that susceptibility will change in future ocean ...


New Report Evaluates Benefits of Using Dredged Sed...

Mordecai Island, NJ and the developed shoreline looking south. The study area is in the center of the picture. Credit R. Giannelli, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS scientists have released the results ...

Climate-induced Wind Upwelling Could Further Acidi...

A NCCOS and NOAA Ocean Acidification Program sponsored study investigated how physical properties such as winds, tides, and currents impact estuarine acidification and carbonate chemistry in the Chesapeake Bay estuary, ...

Climate Change Alters Timing of Fish Larvae Enteri...

A new study led by researchers at East Carolina University and NCCOS documents changes in the timing and duration of fish larvae entering North Carolina estuaries. The study used a ...

Understanding HABs Under Climate Change Requires N...

A new book compiles the current evidence on climate change and toxin producing harmful algal species in aquatic systems. A book chapter, sponsored in part by NCCOS, describes some of ...

Location, Inundation, and Nitrogen Availability Dr...

Two publications resulting from U.S. Department of Defense-funded research to support ecosystem-based management in coastal military installations have been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. The research was a ...

Podcast Explores Economics of Natural vs Armored S...

Some oceanfront landowners in Neskowin, Oregon, have chosen to use rock revetments, or rip-rap, to protect their properties from erosion. Their decision has implications for property values, public access, and ...

Hydro-Financial Watershed Modeling for Environment...

NCCOS has sponsored a study to determine the fair interest rate and return period for a new type of financial instrument called an Environmental Impact Bond. The study examines feasibility ...

Shoreline Armoring Promotes Spread of Invasive Ree...

A stand of Phragmites australis. Credit USDA. An NCCOS-funded study found that shoreline armoring in Chesapeake Bay promotes the spread of the invasive common reed (Phragmites australis) by stimulating greater ...

Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Seagra...

In a treatise, professor and seagrass ecologist/physiologist Dr. Richard Zimmerman reflects on the history of seagrass ecosystems research and contemplates the future of seagrasses under human disturbance and a changing ...

NOAA Intervention Strategy Seeks to Stem Loss of U...

NOAA Action Plan on Coral Intervention. Credit: NOAA. Rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions are threatening coral reefs worldwide, leading to a re-evaluation of long-standing conservation strategies. In response to recommendations from ...


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Data & Publications

Long-term decline in the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa in central Chesapeake Bay, USA: An indirect effect of eutrophication

A long-term abundance record of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay was compiled from 1966 to 2002. A significant downward trend in the summertime abundance of Acartia tonsa was found in central Chesapeake Bay ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

Long-term trends in Chesapeake Bay seasonal hypoxia, stratification, and nutrient loading

A previously observed shift in the relationship between Chesapeake Bay hypoxia and nitrogen loading has pressing implications on the efficacy of nutrient management. Detailed temporal analyses of long-term hypoxia, nitrogen loads, and stratification were conducted to reveal different within-summer trends ...

Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors

At a proximal level, the physiological impacts of global climate change on ectothermic organisms are manifest as changes in body temperatures. Especially for plants and animals exposed to direct solar radiation, body temperatures can be substantially different from air temperatures ...

Macrobenthos and megabenthos responses to long-term, large-scale hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf

The macrobenthos and megabenthos responses to long-term, recurring hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf were compared at four locations with different historical (2000–2010) episodes of annual exposure to bottom-water hypoxia. Measurements of abundance, biomass, species diversity, and community composition of ...

Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate ongoing drowning of North Carolina marshes

In situ persistence of coastal marsh habitat as sea level rises depends on whether macrophytes induce compensatory accretion of the marsh surface. Experimental planters in two North Carolina marshes served to expose two dominant macrophyte species to six different elevations ...

Metabolic balance between ecosystem production and consumption

This chapter reviews research on ecosystem metabolism in coastal environments, focusing on the history of methods development, spatial/temporal variations in rates, controlling factors, and application of these methods to address diverse scientific questions. Essential concepts and widely used terms are ...

Microsatellite analysis to estimate realized dispersal distance in Phragmites australis

An understanding of the mean and maximum dispersal distances of target species and subsequent scaling of management efforts to dispersal distance can be key in slowing, containing, or eradicating invasive species. However, dispersal distance is often difficult to measure. Patterns ...

Modeling Coastal Hypoxia: Numerical Simulations of Patterns, Controls and Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics

This book provides a snapshot of representative modeling analyses of coastal hypoxia and its effects. Hypoxia refers to conditions in the water column where dissolved oxygen falls below levels that can support most metazoan marine life (i.e., 2 mg O2 ...

Modeling River-Induced Phosphorus Limitation in the Context of Coastal Hypoxia

The urban development of coastal areas and the increased use of chemical fertilizers over the last century have led to a worldwide expansion of coastal eutrophication and a significant increase in the occurrence and intensity of human-induced coastal hypoxia. Proportionally, ...

General Pages

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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