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Ecotoxicological Effects of Oil and Oil Spill Disp...

While chemical dispersants mitigate oil spills, they may also pose risks to coastal and estuarine ecosystems. We are determining oil and dispersant toxicity thresholds in seven key species to assess ...

Efficacy and Ecotoxicological Effects of Shoreline...

Summary This project evaluated three shoreline cleaner products (Accell Clean SWA, PES-51, and CytoSol). We compared the biological effects and chemical interactions of the products with oil using a simulated ...

Nanomaterials in the Marine Environment: The Use o...

In our study of the movement and accumulation of gold and silver nanomaterials in simulated salt-marsh enclosures, we found that the particles moved from the water column and were taken ...

Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Coas...

We helped two South Carolina municipal water facilities evaluate the effectiveness of their treatment plants in removing pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from wastewater. We found that both secondary-treatment-level ...

Ultraviolet (UV) light-enhanced toxicity of oil to...

One of the lingering questions after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill concerns the toxicity of thin oil sheens to aquatic species, and whether toxicity may be magnified by interaction of ...


NCCOS Scientist Recognized for Commitment to Minor...

NCCOS Scientist Marie DeLorenzo. Credit: NOAA NCCOS scientist Marie DeLorenzo was recognized by the NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions Center Champions Working Group. She received an award ...

NCCOS Studies Shoreline Cleaner Effects on Crude O...

NCCOS scientists recently used tidal estuarine simulation units (mesocosms) to study the crude oil-removal efficiency of shoreline cleaners and the potential impacts of removed oil on an estuary. Oil spills ...

Investigating Tissue Contaminant Levels in Shellfi...

New research from NOAAfoundtissue concentrations of toxic contaminants in queen conch (Strombus gigas), including metals, energeticcompounds (associated with munitions), and the pesticide DDTfrom Vieques, Puerto Rico. The measured contaminant levels ...

NCCOS Scientists attend Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill C...

NCCOS staff and scientists from CCEHBR in Charleston, SC recently attended the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in Tampa, Florida. The conference drew over 2,000 scientists, ...

Mesocosm Research Highlighted at International Mee...

An array of estuarinemesocosms atan NCCOS lab in Charleston, South Carolina.Credit: NOAA. Mesocosms are versatile test systems that can examine both structural and functional components of aquatic ecosystems in a ...

NCCOS Studies Effects of Dispersants and Weathered...

To study the impacts of dispersed oil on estuarine organisms and ecosystems, NCCOS scientists used tidal estuarine simulation units (called mesocosms) to mimic the conditions in an estuary affectedby weathered ...

Tours Highlight NCCOS Research Portfolio for Water...

Attendees ofthe 5th Interagency Conference for Research in Watersheds: 'Headwaters to Estuaries: Advances in Watershed Science and Management' held March 2-5 in North Charleston, SC were treated to facility tours ...

International Oil Spill Conference Highlights Late...

NCCOS researchers advanced the science of oils and dispersants with several presentations at last month's 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in Houston, Texas. The conference ...

Stakeholders Provide Input on Future of National S...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) convened a panel for a one-day meeting on September 17 to provide perspectives on the utility of Mussel Watch data and potential ...

Research Reserve Study Reveals Signs of Chemical C...

Scientists have discovered evidence that contaminants from a Superfund site have made their way into samples collected in the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, 25 miles away. The researchers, ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

The Ecological Assessment of Storm Impacts website includes a database of chemical and toxicological information on contaminants permitted for use in the St. Johns River Watershed, Florida, and the lower Columbia River watershed in Oregon and Washington.
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The Nutrient and Coliform Loading website is a database of available fecal coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci bacteria, and nutrient loading data. The website can be used to quickly identify available measures of loading from different landuses (bacteria and nutrients) and animals (bacteria only).
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The Pharmaceuticals in the Environment website is designed to provide available information for assessing risks to aquatic resources from drugs entering waterways from both point and non-point sources. The website includes information on frequently prescribed drugs as well as most antibiotics and lipid-lowering drugs.
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The NCCOS Regional Ecological Assessments (REA) website provides access to data contained in the Coastal Ecology Database, which were collected as part of a series of Regional Ecological Assessments conducted by NCCOS and partners throughout various estuarine, coastal, and continental shelf areas of the U.S.
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Data & Publications

Assessment of crude oil and a dispersant in a simulated Spartina alterniflora salt marsh ecosystem

NOAA's Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) lists saltmarshes along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts as the most vulnerable habitat to oil spills. As a result of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig accident, more that 200 million gallons of crude oil ...

Assessment of Hydrocarbon Carryover Potential for Six Field Cleaning Protocols

Sample collection in the field faces many challenges including, but not limited to, the equipment and materials that can be brought safely into the field. Field teams will often reuse sample collection gear by cleaning it between sampling sites to ...

Characterization of Toxic Impacts on Living Marine Resources in Tidal Rivers of the Chesapeake Bay

In 1999, the Chesapeake Bay Program completed a survey of existing data on chemical contaminants and the potential for bioeffects in 38 tidal river systems of Chesapeake Bay. This review led to the identification of 20 areas for which there ...

Contaminants in Marine Resources of Vieques, Puerto Rico

Pollution in the marine environment has the potential to negatively impact ecosystem health, including adverse effects on fisheries species. This can occur through direct impacts, food web effects and habitat degradation. Vieques is an island municipality of the Commonwealth of ...

Distribution and potential bioeffects of atrazine in coastal waters

Estuaries provide critical nursery habitat for many commercially and recreationally important fish and shellfish species. These productive, diverse ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to pollution because they serve as repositories for non–point-source contaminants from upland sources, such as pesticide runoff. Atrazine, ...

Efficacy and Ecotoxicological Effects of Shoreline Cleaners in Salt Marsh Ecosystems

Salt marsh ecosystems are sensitive habitats that may be susceptible to oil and oil spill mitigation chemicals during clean up. This research project assessed the toxicity of three shoreline cleaners (SLC) in laboratory and mesocosm exposures, determined petroleum hydrocarbon distributions ...

Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Condition and Stressor Impacts in Submerged Habitats of the Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)

The Guana Tolomato Matanzas reserve is one of 28 National Estuarine Research Reserves (GTMNERR) encompassing approximately 73,300 acres of salt marsh and mangrove tidal wetlands, oyster bars, estuarine lagoons, upland areas, and offshore ocean waters along the northeastern coast of ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota (2000, 2005, and 2012/13)

Since April 2000, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) have been engaged in a collaborative partnership to augment the management of National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS) through increased scientific understanding of ...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) long-term monitoring: Regional Ecological Assessments and National Benthic Inventory (NCEI Accession 0202842)

The NCCOS Regional Ecological Assessments (REA) and NOAA National Benthic Inventory (NBI) include observations of water quality, sediment quality, fish and shellfish tissue chemical contaminants, and benthic infaunal abundance obtained from studies conducted since 1991 by NOAA and partnering institutions ...

Soft-Bottom Benthic Assemblages and Levels of Contaminants in Sediments and Biota at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary and Nearby Shelf Waters off the Coast of Georgia (2000 and 2001)

A series of studies was initiated to assess the condition of benthic macroinfauna and chemical contaminant levels in sediments and biota of the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) and nearby shelf waters off the coast of Georgia. Four key ...

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