Home > Explore Data & Reports > NCCOS Monitoring: Six-minute water level, temperature, and salinity data from Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC, 2008-02-21 to 2018-11-06 (NCEI Accession 0203764)


Hilting, A.K., M.D. Greene, and C.A. Currin. 2019. NCCOS Monitoring: Six-minute water level, temperature, and salinity data from Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC, 2008-02-21 to 2018-11-06 (NCEI Accession 0203764). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/e0v9-ts36

Data/Report Type:

NCEI Data Archive Accession


This dataset is an inventory of 6-minute water level, water salinity, and water temperature data from two secondary water level stations at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), Jacksonville, NC, collected between 2008 and 2018. The Mile Hammock Bay (MHB) water level station (CO-OPS # 8657098), located at 34.55388N, 77.326181W, on the west bulkhead of the MHB basin and approximately 3 km northeast of the New River inlet, was established on February 21, 2008, by NOAA and decommissioned on November 6, 2018. The Gottschalk Marina Wallace Creek (GMWC) water level station (CO-OPS # 8656648), located at 34.67723N, 77.362721W, on the west corner of the marina dock approximately 16.5 km north of the New River inlet, became operational on May 15, 2008, ceased operation on August 26, 2016, and was decommissioned on September 12, 2016. Water level was measured in meters above the sensor and adjusted to meters NAVD 88 using methods described in Hilting et al., 2019. Water salinity was measured on the unitless practical salinity scale, and temperature was measured in degrees Celsius.

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