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Examining Coastal Impacts of Caloosahatchee River ...

Our scientific dive team replaces sediment traps deployed at Kimberly’s Reef off Bonita Springs, Florida. Credit: NOAA. With the installation of a new artificial reef off of southwest Florida (Kimberly’s ...

Exploring Ecosystem and Community Vulnerability to...

We will identify the roles of natural and nature-based features and conventional infrastructure in controlling coastal flood hazards in the face of sea level rise. Our project will focus on ...

How to Increase Ecosystem Services of Coastal Beac...

The project team will use long-term monitoring data along the Oregon and Washington coast to evaluate the impact of sea level rise and storms on the geomorphology and ecology of ...

Multi-objective Assessment of Flood Adaptation Opt...

We are evaluating, at a high resolution, the social, economic, and environmental benefits, costs, and tradeoffs of different approaches to manage flood risk in Los Angeles County, California, including nature-based ...

Using ESLR-funded Data Sets and Tools to Evaluate ...

We are assessing the environmental and economic tradeoffs of different nature-based solutions and traditional infrastructure for backshore dune environments in the Pacific Northwest. This will help communities identify land management ...


NCCOS Supports Rapid Detection and Risk Communicat...

Timeline and structure of rapid detection and risk communication information flow from shipboard HAB detection using an Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) to the regional coastal response (Fachon et al. 2024 Limnology ...

Oregon Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Outbreak Prom...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Event Response Program awarded $6,000 to the University of Washington’s Olympic Natural Resources Center, Northwest Indian College, and ...

Investigation into Unusual Fish Behavior in the Fl...

Florida Gulf Coast University students, Nick Frankenburger and Kenzie Pruitt getting ready to dive while staff, Adam Catasus and Rachael Schinbeckler, prepare samples. (Credit: Andrew Tipler) The Florida Fish and ...

NCCOS Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Enhance ...

High tide flooding on Smith Island, Maryland in August, 2022. Credit: Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) NCCOS is announcing $6.7 million in FY23 funding for 18 projects that will help facilitate ...

Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Announces FY24 F...

Cape May National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: US Fish & Wildlife Service The NCCOS Competitive Research Program is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for ...

Collaborative Efforts Lead to Proactive Harmful Al...

One year after a record-breaking, toxic algal bloom of Alexandrium catenella in the Bering Strait region of Alaska, highly collaborative efforts led by Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC), Alaska Sea ...

Marine Mammal Strandings in Southern California Pr...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal and Ocean Science (NCCOS) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Event Response program awarded $12,550 to Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), University of California- Santa ...

Community Outreach on Harmful Algal Bloom Risk in ...

Emma Pate, Environmental Coordinator for the Norton Sound Health Corporation (center), provides information and answers questions about harmful algae at a 2022 HAB event at the Native Village of Savoonga ...

NCCOS Supports Collection of Real-Time Harmful Alg...

Images captured by the Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) aboard the Norseman II off northwestern Alaska on August 21, 2022. Most of the images are of cells of Alexandrium catenella, a HAB ...

Los Angeles Uses NCCOS-funded Flood Risk Study for...

Los Angeles Flood Risk - distribution of predominant race/ethnicity (left) and flood depth (right). Six weeks after the scientific study Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California was ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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The Effects of Sea Level Rise Program (ESLR)

FY24 Federal Funding Opportunity Key Dates October 6, 2023 at 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET - Webinar. October 24, 2023 at 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. ET - Office Hours. November ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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