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A Cost-benefit Analysis of Green-gray Infrastructu...

Locations of the two estuaries, Grays River and Coos Bay, that are the focus of this project. Credit: Oregon State University. We are evaluating the tradeoffs between gray and green ...

Advancing Natural Solutions to Sea Level Rise Impa...

We are advancing technical guidance to provide resource managers critical information to better prioritize and weigh trade offs among different coastal management strategies along 300 miles of the north-central California ...

Assessing Nature Based Solutions to Mitigate Flood...

This research project will connect the National Water Model with coastal models to predict the performance of nature based solutions for reducing the flooding impacts of sea level rise and ...

Coastal Resilience Through Actionable Science: Eva...

We are using a coupled groundwater–surface water modeling system to evaluate the site-specific performance of proposed shoreline adaptation actions with sea level rise and storms. This will inform the design ...

Dynamic Sea Level Rise Assessments of the Ability ...

We are applying coupled hydrodynamic and marsh models to evaluate the potential for natural and nature-based features to mitigate flood risk under multiple scenarios, and to quantify the economic and ...

Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Flood Prot...

We will evaluate how restored and natural coastal wetlands buffer flooding impacts in Coos Bay (Oregon) and Grays Bay (Washington). Why We Care Increasing flood and salinity levels from sea-level ...

Evaluating Risk of Tidal Marsh Inundation and Mone...

We are identifying the coastal wetlands in Georgia, South Carolina, and Delaware Bay that are most vulnerable to sea-level rise and quantifying the value of benefits they provide. We are ...

How Natural and Nature-based Features Could Enhanc...

We will simulate sea level rise and rainfall scenarios to determine how mangroves in southwest Florida will be affected in the future and what protection they will provide against flooding, ...

Improving Application of Marsh Predictions under S...

Coastal marshes support communities and economies by providing protection from storm surge and habitat for valuable species and recreation. To preserve these benefits, managers need short- and long-term estimates of ...

Informing Coastal Adaptation and Management throug...

We will partner with communities to enhance proposals to organizations that can fund innovative nature-based flood mitigation projects along the Gulf Coast. We will provide scientifically sound and illustrative information ...


Scientists Attend the Network for Engineering with...

Trevor Meckley, NCCOS ESLR Program Manager, presenting as part of a discussion on hydrodynamic modeling needs for nature-based solutions. Credit: Olivia Allen, University of Georgia In late May, NCCOS scientists ...

Collaboratively Identifying Nature-Based Solutions...

Meeting attendees visited Mugu Point while discussing potential nature-based solution options. Credit: USACE NCCOS scientists recently visited the Navy Base Ventura County (NBVC) to explore the use of nature-based solutions ...

NCCOS Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Enhance ...

High tide flooding on Smith Island, Maryland in August, 2022. Credit: Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) NCCOS is announcing $6.7 million in FY23 funding for 18 projects that will help facilitate ...

Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Announces FY24 F...

Cape May National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: US Fish & Wildlife Service The NCCOS Competitive Research Program is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for ...

NCCOS-funded Study Helps Guide Estuary Restoration...

An interdisciplinary science team leveraged support from NOAA, USGS, and the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE) to complete an evaluation for how restoring headland structures would impact the Grand ...

New Research on Dunes Supports Better Protection f...

Dunes at Bogue Banks, North Carolina, with fencing that helps build dunes by trapping sand. Credit: NOAA. North Carolina’s Outer Banks have some of the highest rates of coastal erosion ...

Assessing Nature’s Role in Resilience (Video)

A new video describing an ESLR-funded project was released by project partners this week. Maryland has an abundance of habitats that can help mitigate the effects of sea level rise, ...

Flood Model Predicts Impacts, Benefits of Differen...

A new study, partially funded by NCCOS, developed a framework for evaluating the physical, economic, and demographic impacts and benefits of engineered, nature-based, and hybrid adaptation strategies to address coastal ...

New Research Improves Flood Modeling for Large Urb...

Coastal managers need accurate flood forecasts to protect communities from inundation. New research, funded in part by NCCOS, improves how levees are represented in flood models used to identify vulnerabilities ...

Los Angeles Uses NCCOS-funded Flood Risk Study for...

Los Angeles Flood Risk - distribution of predominant race/ethnicity (left) and flood depth (right). Six weeks after the scientific study Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California was ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

A Scenario and Forecast Model for Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Area and Volume

For almost three decades, the relative size of the hypoxic region on the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf has drawn scientific and policy attention. During that time, both simple and complex models have been used to explore hypoxia dynamics and to provide ...

Carbon Dynamics on the Louisiana Continental Shelf and Cross-Shelf Feeding of Hypoxia

Large-scale hypoxia regularly develops during the summer on the Louisiana continental shelf. Traditionally, hypoxia has been linked to the vast winter and spring nutrient inputs from the Mississippi River and its distributary, the Atchafalaya River. However, recent studies indicate that ...

Changes in Mississippi River Water Quality this Century: Implications for Coastal Food Webs

In this article, we quantify some important changes in water quality for the Lower Mississippi River for this century and then suggest their causes and possible impact ...

Coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi river delta

Changes in delivery of river-borne nutrients such as dissolved phosphate, nitrate and silicate, owing to land-use changes and anthropogenic emissions, are known to result in eutrophication1— enhanced phytoplankton blooms—and more severe hypoxic events2–1 in many enclosed bays and seas. Although ...

Dynamic responses and implications to coastal wetlands and the surrounding regions under sea level rise

Two distinct microtidal estuarine systems were assessed to advance the understanding of the coastal dynamics of sea level rise in salt marshes. A coupled hydrodynamic-marsh model (Hydro-MEM) was applied to both a marine-dominated (Grand Bay, Mississippi) and a mixed fluvial/marine ...

Dynamics and distribution of natural and human-caused coastal hypoxia

Water masses can become undersaturated with oxygen when natural processes alone or in combination with anthropogenic processes produce enough organic carbon that is aerobically decomposed faster than the rate of oxygen re-aeration. The dominant natural processes usually involved are photosynthetic ...

Eutrophication-Driven Deoxygenation in the Coastal Ocean

Human activities, especially increased nutrient loads that set in motion a cascading chain of events related to eutrophication, accelerate development of hypoxia (lower oxygen concentration) in many areas of the world’s coastal ocean. Climate changes and extreme weather events may ...

Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Exploring Increasing Sensitivity to Nitrogen Loads

Hypoxia is a critical issue in the Gulf of Mexico that has challenged management efforts in recent years by an increase in hypoxia sensitivity to nitrogen loads. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the recent increase in sensitivity. Two ...

Hydrographic and chemical water parameters collected by CTD and other instruments from the Pelican and the Tommy Munro in coastal waters of Louisiana from 1994-07-24 to 1997-07-29 (NCEI Accession 0164298)

Hydrographic and chemical data were collected for a week in late July between 1994-1997 in order to survey the coastal hypoxia on Louisiana continental shelf. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment and station information data were also acquired. Data files provided in ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Survey 2009: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2009 (NODC Accession 0099531)

CTD data were taken during the 2009 surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird 911+ CTD system and a YSI 6820. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, secchi depth, and station information data ...

General Pages

ESLR Event Response Program

The pursuit of more resilient coastal communities and ecosystems has led to international efforts to better quantify environmental resilience and realize flood protection solutions with diverse benefits. The resilience of ...

The Effects of Sea Level Rise Program (ESLR)

FY24 Federal Funding Opportunity Key Dates October 6, 2023 at 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET - Webinar. October 24, 2023 at 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. ET - Office Hours. November ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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