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Restoring Injured Seagrass Beds with New Methods f...

Vessel groundings in shallow waters can damage fragile seagrass habitats, sometimes permanently. We are conducting scientific studies to assess new intervention methods of sediment re-grading and nutrient fertilization to accelerate ...

Using Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, Machine Learning,...

Marine debris injures and kills marine life, interferes with navigation safety, and poses a threat to human health. We are investigating and codifying a process to detect and identify marine ...


NOAA Evaluates Using Mussel Watch Program to Monit...

Amy V. Uhrin (left), NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, and Ed Johnson, NOAA's Mussel Watch Program, collect samples of driessenid mussels on a NOAA/GLERL research vessel in Lake Michigan, summer 2018 ...

NCCOS Improves Seagrass Coverage Estimates in Nort...

NCCOS researchers applied an alternative method to improve classifying and calculatingthe extent of shallow seagrass ecosystems using digital aerial photographs in a recent study. The technique, linear spectral unmixing, is ...

Stakeholders Meet to Develop First Marine Debris S...

Last month, NCCOS staff participated in the Southeast Regional Marine Debris Strategy Workshop, which brought together federal, state, academic, and NGO participants from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia for ...

NCCOS Researcher Captures Winning Image

That's a winner: a photograph of an Oyster Toadfish taken at the Shackleford Jetty near Beaufort, N.C., by NCCOS researcher Amy Uhrin. A photograph taken by NCCOS research ecologist Amy ...

First Estimates of Trap Debris in Florida Keys Nat...

FWCC researcher Tom Matthews conducts a towed-diver survey over reef habitat in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Over 85,000 spiny lobster ghost traps and over 1 million non-fishing traps ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Characterization of fish communities and associated benthic habitats in the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER)

Located at the southeastern end of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) is a collection of several existing protected areas, including Cas Cay/Mangrove Lagoon, St. James, and Compass Point Salt Pond Marine Reserves ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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