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Modeling Favorable Habitat for Alexandrium catenel...

In Puget Sound, the toxic alga Alexandrium catenella threatens people who eat shellfish contaminated with the algal toxin. Previous studies identify “seedbeds” of Alexandrium resting stages (cysts) on the bottom ...

Modeling Hypoxia and Ecological Responses to Clima...

We are developing modeling tools that can be used to predict ecological responses to climate and nutrient input management in coastal systems. This project is part of NOAA’s Coastal Hypoxia ...

Ocean Acidification and Sea Scallops: Predicting I...

We are supporting the development of an integrated model to forecast the impacts of ocean acidification on the Atlantic sea scallop fishery. The model will predict ocean acidification trends, determine ...

Ocean Acidification in the California Current: Pre...

We are supporting the development of a management model to predict impacts of ocean acidification on food webs and the fishing economy in the California Current. The model will project ...

Oregon Kelp Forest Survey

This study will perform a coast-wide survey of the extent and status of kelp forests in Oregon.  Why We Care Kelp are seaweed, known as the ‘trees of the sea’, ...

Predicting Coral Morphology to Inform the Protecti...

Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, CNMI. Credit: CNMI Division of Coastal Resources Management. Branching corals are valuable for coastline protection, but also highly vulnerable to a changing climate. We will predict the ...

Predicting Impacts of Climate Change on Success of...

We are investigating how rising atmospheric temperature and changing precipitation patterns will affect coastal hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) in Chesapeake Bay. Hypoxia in the bay, caused by an excessive influx ...

Predicting Impacts of Ocean Acidification on North...

We are supporting an effort to predict the effects ocean acidification will have on northeast U.S. shellfish. We will make projections on survival, growth, and reproduction for two species, using ...

Predicting Impacts of Sea Level Rise in the Northe...

We are assessing the impacts of sea level rise and coastal storms on marshes and oyster habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico through the development of predictive models that ...

Quantifying the Benefits of Natural and Nature-bas...

We will analyze how marshes, submerged aquatic vegetation, and other natural features reduce wave energy and flood risks along Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coastal bays. Our findings will inform ...


Webinar Highlights Science on Intermittently Open ...

Aerial view of Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, an intermittently open estuary in Southern California. Credit: NOAA. The California Coastal Resilience Network hosted a webinar highlighting research on intermittently ...

Reef-Building Coral Species Differ in Tolerance to...

NCCOS-supported researchers investigating the effects of hypoxia (low oxygen) on threatened coral species discovered that some species have surprisingly high tolerance to declining ocean oxygen levels. While investigating staghorn coral ...

New Study Unveils the Unique Seasonality in the De...

Interannual variations of winter and summer temperature in the Jordan Basin (location as shown in upper panel) at 150-m water depth. The vertical bars represent one standard deviation over the ...

Understanding Processes Driving Sand Dune Erosion ...

Coastal sand dunes are dynamic features that are continuously evolving due to winds and waves. The relative importance of these complex coastal processes that determine if sand is added to ...

Researchers Estimate Flood Protection Benefits of ...

Divers cache coral fragments for emergency stabilization in Puerto Rico. Credit: NOAA. In 2017, coral reefs buffered Florida and Puerto Rico from Hurricanes Irma and Maria, but were severely damaged ...

Research Fills Gap in Understanding Greenhouse Gas...

New research by NCCOS scientists provides data to help fill a gap in our understanding of the fate of coastal wetland sediment carbon following disturbance events. Stored organic carbon in ...

Management of Wetland Impoundments for Fish, Mosqu...

Suisun Marsh (CA) collage. Credit USDOI et al, 2011. In San Francisco Bay’s Suisun Marsh, NCCOS sponsored research compared the plant species diversity, abundance, and community composition among natural tidal ...

Story Map Highlights Marsh Vulnerability in San Fr...

A “marsh organ,” used to study the effects of different water levels on marsh vegetation and marsh migration, is deployed at the project study site. Credit: OSU and USGS. An ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Evaluation of Lower Green Bay benthic fauna with emphasis on re-ecesis of Hexagenia mayfly nymphs

The last historic Hexagenia specimen in lower Green Bay was officially recorded in 1955. Field surveys and Hexagenia viability studies were completed to determine if lower Green Bay could support Hexagenia re-ecesis and where in the bay egg stocking could ...

Evidence of persistent, recurring summertime hypoxia in Green Bay

Six years (2009–2015) of temperature and dissolved oxygen profile data show hypoxic conditions are common in the bottom waters of southern Green Bay, Lake Michigan during the summer. Depleted oxygen concentrations (<5 mg L−1) affect nearly 70% of the 38 ...

Exploratory Treatments for Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease: Pillar Coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus)

Pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus) is a rare Caribbean coral with only one species in its genus. Because of population declines, the species was listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act in 2014 (Federal Register 2014). By 2020, the ...

Extending Vulnerability Assessment to Include Life Stages Considerations

Species are experiencing a suite of novel stressors from anthropogenic activities that have impacts at multiple scales. Vulnerability assessment is one tool to evaluate the likely impacts that these stressors pose to species so that high-vulnerability cases can be identified ...

Factors regulating excystment of Alexandrium in Puget Sound, WA, USA

Factors regulating excystment of a toxic dinoflagellate in the genus Alexandrium were investigated in cysts from Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory using cysts collected from benthic seedbeds to determine if excystment is controlled ...

Feeding by Bluefish and Weakfish along Riprap-Hardened Shorelines: Comparisons with Adjacent Sandy Beach in Delaware Bay, USA

Shoreline hardening alters the morphology of the intertidal zone and has been shown to impact various measures of shore zone habitat quality. Diet composition and stomach fullness of two predatory fishes, the Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and Weakfish Cynoscion regalis, were ...

Fish and Blue Crab Density along a Riprap-Sill-Hardened Shoreline: Comparisons with Spartina Marsh and Riprap

Wetland managers have historically considered riprap-sill structures (a type of “living shoreline” consisting of a rock sill that is placed low in the intertidal zone, with native vegetation planted between the sill and the shore) to be more ecologically sound ...

Green Bay, Lake Michigan: A proving ground for Great Lakes restoration

Green Bay has sometimes been referred to as the largest freshwater “estuary” in the world. Its watershed, much of it in intensive agriculture, comprises one-third of the Lake Michigan basin and delivers one-third of the lake's total phosphorus load. At ...

Growth and feeding of deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa from the California margin under simulated ocean acidification conditions

The global decrease in seawater pH known as ocean acidification has important ecological consequences and is an imminent threat for numerous marine organisms. Even though the deep sea is generally considered to be a stable environment, it can be dynamic ...

Growth and Movements of Mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) Along Armored and Vegetated Estuarine Shorelines

Alteration of estuarine shorelines associated with increased urbanization can significantly impact biota and food webs. This study determined the impact of shoreline alteration on growth and movement of the estuarine fish Fundulus heteroclitus in a tributary of the Delaware Coastal ...

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