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An Ecological Assessment to Support NOAA’s Choptan...

The Choptank watershed is an ecologically and economically valuable resource and designated Habitat Focus Area. We are collecting and synthesizing biological, chemical, and physical data to characterize the condition of ...

Assessing Blue Carbon Storage at Sites Restored th...

To mitigate the impacts of climate change, there is a global initiative to quantify and award carbon credits for restoration and conservation of blue carbon habitats. These habitats are known ...

Assessing Community Vulnerability to Flood Hazards...

High tide flooding in the inner harbor area of Baltimore, Maryland, December, 12, 2023. Credit: https://mycoast.org/ Coastal communities in the United States are forced to grapple with flooding, storms, and ...

Assessing Societal Impacts of Harmful Macroalgae B...

We will examine how Sargassum seaweed blooms and their mitigation in the Caribbean affect multiple dimensions of social resilience, including economic impacts, human well-being, local ecological knowledge, and individual attitudes, ...

Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Database: Constructi...

We reviewed published information on the status of Atlantic coastal fish habitats and recorded it in a spatial bibliographic database for the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership. The results included ...

Coastal Infrastructure and Resilience Research Ini...

The Climate Equity and Resilience Hub aims to advance transformative and inclusive resilience tools that address systemic barriers and enhance equitable access to resources and opportunities. The Hub will promote ...

Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Caro...

We are developing mapping and modeling tools to provide the North Carolina coastal management community the most up to date research on the effect of sea level rise and storminess ...

Forecasting Chesapeake Bay Fishery Resources

We are developing a model to forecast striped bass recruitment in the Chesapeake Bay and are partnering with NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service to incorporate the model in fish stock ...

Integrating Cell and Toxin Cycles of the Dinoflage...

Blooms of Karlodinium veneficum can produce fish-killing toxins called karlotoxins. Toxicity varies over time, with karlotoxins increasing prior to blooms and under growth-limiting conditions. We are testing the theory that ...

Karenia brevis Nutrient Dynamics in the Eastern Gu...

In the relatively nutrient-poor offshore waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, destructive blooms of Karenia brevis cause environmental and economic destruction. We studied how this marine alga initiates and ...


Sediment Management Guide Supports Coastal Resilie...

Doran Beach, California, helps protect wetlands and a key harbor from storm surge and rising sea levels, but the dunes are gradually eroding and need to adapt to future changes ...

NCCOS Modeling Helps Guide Proposed Offshore Wind ...

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) unveiled plans today for a proposed offshore wind lease sale in the Central Atlantic, underscoring the Biden administration's commitment to a clean energy ...

NCCOS Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Enhance ...

High tide flooding on Smith Island, Maryland in August, 2022. Credit: Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) NCCOS is announcing $6.7 million in FY23 funding for 18 projects that will help facilitate ...

Research Reveals the Potential of Nature-Based Sol...

As we confront the escalating threats of climate change, there is growing interest in the potential of restored nature to offer a sustainable and effective response to the challenges posed ...

NCCOS Awards $11 Million for Research to Enhance C...

Motorists crossing a flooded street in a low-lying Norfolk neighborhood called Colonial Place, which floods at every high tide. Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Will Parson NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean ...

Partnering to Advance Use of Nature-Based Solution...

Photo taken photo during field site visits in the upper Bay of Fundy during a visit to a managed dyke realignment that resulted in rapid marsh colonization into a previously ...

2020 Summary Findings and Infographic Released for...

Summary findings for Hawaii, 2020. Credit: NOAA. The Socioeconomic Component of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) gathers and monitors a collection of socioeconomic data in seven U.S. coral ...

Kiwanis Club Learns About Chesapeake Bay Oyster Aq...

Oyster growers harvest oysters from Chesapeake Bay. Credit: NOAA. Last week, NCCOS aquaculture researcher Dr. Suzanne Bricker gave the Kiwanis Club of Mt. Airy, Maryland, an overview of how oyster ...

Lake Erie Eutrophication Exacerbated by Release of...

Lake Erie not only experiences eutrophication caused by runoff-laden phosphorus (P), but also by internal P loading caused by recycling of “legacy” P stored in bottom sediments. This phenomenon was ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Community ecology of mesophotic coral reef ecosystems

Given the global degradation of shallow-water coral reef ecosystems resulting from anthropogenic activities, mesophotic coral reef ecosystems (MCEs) are gaining attention because they are generally considered a de facto refuge for shallow-water species. Despite their inferred importance, MCEs remain one ...

The Fate of Microcystins in the Environment and Challenges for Monitoring

Microcystins are secondary metabolites produced by cyanobacteria that act as hepatotoxins in higher organisms. These toxins can be altered through abiotic processes, such as photodegradation and adsorption, as well as through biological processes via metabolism and bacterial degradation. Some species ...

The metabolism of aquatic ecosystems: History, applications, and future challenges

Measurements of the production and consumption of organic material have been a focus of aquatic science for more than 80 years. Over the last century, a variety of approaches have been developed and employed for measuring rates of gross primary ...

General Pages


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) formed the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) in 1999 as the focal point for NOAA’s coastal ocean science efforts. We help ...

Coastal and Marine Planning

Coastal and marine planning science analyzes and supports the allocation of the spatial and temporal distribution of human uses in coastal and marine areas to balance social-economic and ecological objectives ...


The Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) is a partnership between NOAA, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the USCG Station Oxford. COL partners combine science, response, and management capabilities to ...

Targeted Efforts to Support Nutrient Management

NCCOS supports observations and monitoring for variables that are important to modeling hypoxia in time and space. These models are then used to inform key organizations working to reduce the ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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