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Improving Application of Marsh Predictions under S...

Coastal marshes support communities and economies by providing protection from storm surge and habitat for valuable species and recreation. To preserve these benefits, managers need short- and long-term estimates of ...

Influence of Shoreline Changes on Chesapeake and D...

We are supporting a large-scale research project to predict how shoreline development interacts with other stresses to change coastal ecosystems and the species that live in them. Research findings apply ...

Informing Adaptation Decisions for Alaska’s Salmon...

We are integrating multiple areas of research on the impacts of ocean acidification (OA) and the influence of “tipping points” (i.e., regime shifts) on Alaska’s fisheries, particularly chum salmon in ...

Integrated Marine Protected Area Climate Tools (IM...

We are studying the effects of weather and climate on South Florida’s coastal ecosystems and developing models to predict corresponding changes in environmental health. We will deliver short-term (monthly, seasonal) ...

Interactions between Ocean Acidification and Eutro...

We are supporting research that will determine the current state of acidification in Chesapeake Bay waters and identify areas in the bay that are most and least prone to acidification ...

Is an Old Dune a More Resilient Dune? Assessing Ho...

We will evaluate whether naturally vegetated dunes are more resilient to storm surge and erosion than bare or planted human-made dunes. The gradual development of natural dunes over a long ...

Leveraging Partnerships to Define Ecological Indic...

In 2019, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) began evaluating the condition of marine resources inside its boundaries. This collaborative project is supporting this process by working closely with local ...

Mangrove Function as Nursery Habitat for Fish in S...

May 2018 juvenile fish trap deployments in Salt River Bay, St. Croix, USVI. Credit: Matt Kendall, NOAA We studied the use of mangrove habitat by juvenile fish in a marine ...

Mapping Coastal Elevations and Water Depths Using ...

Many organizations need imagery, and elevation and depth data to effectively manage our nation’s coastlines. However, coastal areas are expensive and challenging to map using conventional technologies. Here, we are ...

Marshes on the Margins: Developing Tidal Wetlands ...

We will investigate how the dynamic and heavily altered (e.g., through jetty construction or dredging) estuaries of Southern California will be affected by sea level rise. We will also identify ...


Smaller Harmful Algal Bloom Predicted for Western ...

Bloom severity index for 2002–2021, and the forecast for 2022. The index is based on the amount of biomass over the peak 30-days. NOAA and its research partners are forecasting ...

NOAA, FHWA Federal Agency Partnership Recognized w...

A NOAA partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) received a U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA Environmental Excellence Award, which recognizes outstanding transportation projects, processes, and organizations that incorporate environmental ...

Oregon Researchers Engage Decision-makers to Suppo...

Last month, Oregon State University hosted a hybrid Oregon Dune Management Conference and Workshop online and at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. The workshop provided an update ...

Harmful Algal Blooms May Soon Wreak Havoc in Arcti...

Climatic changes in Arctic Alaska are resulting in more harmful algal blooms (HABs) for the region, signaling a potential growing threat to human and ecosystem health. Over the last decade, ...

Researchers Determine Flood Risk for 13 Coastal Co...

Coastal communities need to know what actions to take to mitigate flooding, now and in the future as sea level rises. A new NCCOS-funded study helps meet this need by ...

NCCOS Publishes Social Vulnerability Assessment in...

Coastal communities are increasingly vulnerable to climate-driven impacts, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion. To address these risks in the Puget Sound region of Washington, Washington Sea Grant ...

Cape Lookout National Seashore Environmental Quali...

NCCOS scientist collects samples at Cape Lookout National Seashore adjacent to the abandoned town of Portsmouth, North Carolina. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS scientists have released a final report assessing the environmental ...

Engineering With Nature® Podcast Episode Highlight...

NCCOS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering With Nature® (EWN) Initiative began collaborating on coastal and community restoration projects in 2016. The evolution of these collaborations takes ...

New Publication Reports Prevalence of Shellfish To...

Spring in the Bering Strait; several miles offshore, south of the community of Wales, Alaska. Credit: Gay Sheffield, University of Alaska Fairbanks/Alaska Sea Grant. The NCCOS Ecology & Oceanography of ...

NCCOS Research Supports Olympic Coast National Mar...

Surfers walk Second Beach, Washington, at sunset. Credit: Matt McIntosh, NOAA The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has released its latest condition report, which assesses the status and trends ...


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Data & Publications

Effects of Shoreline Alteration and Other Stressors on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides many important ecosystem functions, but SAV has been significantly reduced in many estuaries. We used spatial–statistical models to identify estuarine shoreline characteristics that explain variations in SAV abundance among subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay and ...

Effects of shoreline stabilization and environmental variables on benthic infaunal communities in the Lynnhaven River System of Chesapeake Bay

Coastlines worldwide are being altered due to shoreline hardening and stabilization and while highly altered systems are subject to change, variability exists in how shoreline hardening affects benthic communities depending on the landscape features of the system and regional production ...

Effects of temperature and salinity on the growth of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) isolates from the Salish Sea

Toxin-producing blooms of dinoflagellates in the genus Alexandrium have plagued the inhabitants of the Salish Sea for centuries. Yet the environmental conditions that promote accelerated growth of this organism, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxins, is lacking. This study quantitatively ...

Effects of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River discharge on planktonic community respiration in the East China Sea

Planktonic communities tend to flourish on the western margins of the East China Sea (ECS) fueled by substrates delivered largely from the Changjiang River, the fifth largest river in the world. To study the effects of the Changjiang River discharge ...

Effects of Winds on stratification and circulation in a partially mixed estuary

Numerical experiments are conducted to investigate how axial winds affect stratification and circulation in the partially mixed estuary of Chesapeake Bay. In the absence of rotational effects, stratification in the estuary decreases following both down?estuary and up?estuary winds, but stratification ...

Environmental factors influencing d13C and d15N in three Chesapeake Bay fishes

Stable isotope analysis has become a common tool for mapping trophic relationships, describing foodweb changes, and assessing ecosystem health. Clear interpretation of stable isotopes is facilitated by understanding how environmental factors can affect isotopic values; in estuarine systems, these factors ...

Erratum to: Synthesis in estuarine and coastal ecological research

A caveat in the concluding section of our paper states that it would be impossible to provide a comprehensive sample of synthesis case studies that reflects all the major research areas in estuarine and coastal science. In retrospect, however, we ...

Estimates of the Direct Effect of Seawater pH on the Survival Rate of Species Groups in the California Current Ecosystem

Ocean acidification (OA) has the potential to restructure ecosystems due to variation in species sensitivity to the projected changes in ocean carbon chemistry. Ecological models can be forced with scenarios of OA to help scientists, managers, and other stakeholders understand ...

Evaluating confidence in the impact of regulatory nutrient reduction on Chesapeake Bay water quality

Excess nutrients derived from anthropogenic activity have resulted in the degradation of coastal water quality and an increase in low-oxygen and hypoxic events worldwide. In an effort to curb these impacts and restore water quality in the Chesapeake Bay, a ...

Evaluating estuarine habitats using secondary production as a proxy for food web support

The management, restoration, and conservation of estuarine habitats would benefit from knowledge of habitat-specific functions that reflect important ecosystem services. Secondary production may provide a comprehensive metric of food web support because it synthesizes ­contributions of local primary production, food ...

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