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Emerging Algal Toxins in the California Current Sy...

Surveys in California have highlighted the occurrence of HAB toxins in estuarine waters and shellfish, but there is concern that current monitoring approaches under-report the threats. There is a need ...

Estimating the Economic Burden of Vibrio parahaemo...

Illnesses caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus are an economic burden to the oyster industry. We’re estimating the economic burden in the oyster production chain in Washington State. Results will: help contextualize ...

Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies for Harmful Al...

We will assess the potential economic benefits of mitigation strategies for harmful algal blooms in the Dungeness crab fishery along the U.S. West Coast. Why We Care In 2015, the ...

Fast Tool to Detect Toxic Shellfish

The marine food source and livelihood of tribes and communities along the Pacific coast are threatened by Pseudo-nitzschia blooms that produce domoic acid, a potent neurotoxin. To provide remote communities ...

Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) Northeas...

Northeast Pacific fisheries of salmon, halibut, cod, perch, walleye pollock, rockfish and king crab are the largest U.S. commercial fisheries. From 1996 to 2008, NCCOS partnered with the National Science ...

Hand-held Sensor for Domoic Acid Poisoning of Mari...

The algal toxin domoic acid (DA) poisons hundreds of marine mammals each year. Presently, first responders do not have access to sensors capable of rapidly and accurately monitoring DA for ...

Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Forecasting

Our offshore HAB forecasts notify coastal managers before blooms reach the coast. Our forecasts identify harmful blooms, location, size and trajectory. Our early warnings provide health officials, managers and water ...

Harmful Algal Blooms, Acidification and Climate Ch...

This project investigates the interactive effects of acidification, warming, and nutrients on three economically important harmful algal bloom (HAB) species in the Salish Sea. Spanning the western US-Canada border, the ...

How to Increase Ecosystem Services of Coastal Beac...

The project team will use long-term monitoring data along the Oregon and Washington coast to evaluate the impact of sea level rise and storms on the geomorphology and ecology of ...


Long Term Research on the HAB Toxin Domoic Acid In...

A coalition of researchers funded by the NOAA Monitoring and Event Response for Harmful Algal Blooms (MERHAB) Program recently came together to co-locate an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) off the ...

NCCOS Expands Monitoring of More Lakes, Coastal Ba...

With harmful algal blooms (HABs) occurring in the nation’s lakes, bays and sounds, NCCOS is expanding HAB monitoring and forecasting to these smaller water bodies which can be resolved by ...

Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Est...

With ocean acidification threatening the health of aquatic organisms, a study funded by NCCOS, NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program, and the National Science Foundation reviewed a variety of processes that influence ...

Yessotoxins Responsible for Mass Shellfish Mortali...

Dying clams in Hood Canal (Rocky Bay, Washington, 2019). Credit: King et al, 2021. In the summers of 2018 and 2019, shellfish growers in Washington state were rocked by mass ...

Building Partnerships to Track Hypoxia in Marine E...

Smart dissolved oxygen sensor deployed on spot prawn traps by WA Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) managers as part of the Puget Sound pre-season fishery survey. Credit WA DFW ...

Environmental Sample Processor Enhances Ocean Sens...

In a study published recently in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, NCCOS and Northwest Fisheries Science Center researchers, along with partners at the University of Washington (UW), and ...

HAB Bulletin Supports Quinault Tribal Access to Ra...

On April 12, 2021, the Quinault Indian Nation welcomed tribal razor clam diggers to Mocrocks Beach, Washington. This is the first time tribal members have been able to access this ...

Temperature and Oxygen Tolerances of Marine Specie...

NCCOS-supported researchers found that marine organism geographic distributions are best predicted by measuring temperature and dissolved oxygen together. Temperature and oxygen are closely linked in the physiology of marine animals ...

New Method Provides for Fast and Accurate Determin...

Washington state shellfish validated for LC-MS/MS method. Left to right: California and blue mussels, native littleneck clam, Manila littleneck clam, and Pacific oyster. Photo Credit: Washington State Department of Health ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Extending Vulnerability Assessment to Include Life Stages Considerations

Species are experiencing a suite of novel stressors from anthropogenic activities that have impacts at multiple scales. Vulnerability assessment is one tool to evaluate the likely impacts that these stressors pose to species so that high-vulnerability cases can be identified ...

Factors regulating excystment of Alexandrium in Puget Sound, WA, USA

Factors regulating excystment of a toxic dinoflagellate in the genus Alexandrium were investigated in cysts from Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory using cysts collected from benthic seedbeds to determine if excystment is controlled ...

Forestry Impacts on Freshwater Habitat of Anadromous Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska - Requirements for Protection and Restoration

Presents a science overview of the major forest management issues involved in the recovery of anadromous salmonids afected by timber harvest in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The synthesis reviews salmonid habitat requirements and potential effects of logging, describes the ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Branch Ocean Color Satellite Imagery Processing Guidelines

The Harmful Algal Bloom - Forecasting Branch (HAB-FB) is a research group within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) tasked with forecasting and monitoring HABs. One of the more effective ways to ...

Identification of Azadinium species and a new azaspiracid from Azadinium poporum in Puget Sound, Washington State, USA

The identification of a new suite of toxins, called azaspiracids (AZA), as the cause of human illnesses after the consumption of shellfish from the Irish west coast in 1995, resulted in interest in understanding the global distribution of these toxins ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors

At a proximal level, the physiological impacts of global climate change on ectothermic organisms are manifest as changes in body temperatures. Especially for plants and animals exposed to direct solar radiation, body temperatures can be substantially different from air temperatures ...

Modeling Seabird Distributions off the Pacific Coast of Washington

This report presents seasonal distribution maps of selected seabird species off the Pacific coast of Washington. Maps were created to support state-led marine spatial planning by identifying ecologically important areas for seabirds. Seabird distribution maps were constructed by predicting relative ...

Monitoring Approaches for Early Warning of Domoic Acid Events in Washington State

On the U.S. west coast, blooms of the potentially toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia can cause amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), resulting in economic impacts to coastal economies and public health concerns. The transfer of toxin, via filter feeding of Pseudo-nitzschia or ingestion ...

Mussel Site Description and Sampling Procedures for Washington State

National Status and Trends (NS&T) Mussel Watch Program provides status of and temporal trends of coastal contaminant conditions. Bivalve tissues are analyzed for a suite of about 500 legacy and emerging chemicals of concern. In addition, bivalve tissues are assessed ...

General Pages

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