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Marine Spatial Planning Data Development: U.S. Car...

NCCOS and NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service hosted workshops with stakeholders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to identify spatial data for informed marine planning in the U.S ...

Marine Spatial Planning Data Development: Virginia...

NCCOS is hosting a Marine Spatial Planning Workshop in North Carolina to bring together stakeholders from Virginia and the Carolinas and determine the spatial data necessary for informed marine planning, ...

Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on ...

Seabirds and other marine birds are wide-ranging and highly mobile so mapping their at-sea distributions presents a significant challenge. The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps ...

Modeling Hypoxia and Ecological Responses to Clima...

We are developing modeling tools that can be used to predict ecological responses to climate and nutrient input management in coastal systems. This project is part of NOAA’s Coastal Hypoxia ...

Oceanographic and Cellular Controls on Domoic Acid...

Domoic acid is a neurotoxin produced by some diatoms in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Domoic acid can accumulate in shellfish and fish, and cause illness or death in humans, marine mammals, ...

Promoting Innovative Transformational Coastal Adap...

Coastal marshes and wetlands can attenuate wave energy and reduce flood risk. This project will model and evaluate the costs and benefits of various nature based solutions and management options ...

Reef Smart Collaboration: A Coral Reef Ecosystem E...

The Reef Smart Initiative is a series of strategic, community-based outreach events designed to increase awareness of NOAA’s coral reef ecosystem research and conservation success stories. The Reef Smart team ...

Testing Feasibility of Directly Seeding Oyster Ree...

We are testing the feasibility of "direct setting," a new method for seeding oyster reefs. Traditional reef seeding in areas with low natural-recruitment uses hatchery-produced juvenile oysters attached to cultch ...

Transportation Systems and Flood Resilience under ...

We are investigating how coastal flooding is impacting surface transportation networks in Hampton Roads, VA. This work combines hydrodynamic, morphodynamic,  pavement, and economic models to predict the effectiveness of natural ...

Where is the Fish Food? Chesapeake Bay Mesozooplan...

The purpose of this project is to collect and document the abundance and composition of Chesapeake Bay mesozooplankton, an important food source for juvenile fish in the region. The information ...


NCCOS Partners with OCM to Host Coastal Management...

Coastal Management / Digital Coast Fellowship experiences (clockwise from top left): 2018-2020 Digital Coast Fellows meet with the Digital Coast Partnership at the National Association of Counties office in Washington, ...

2020 State of Kachemak Bay Report Now Available...

The 2020 yearly status report on the marine ecosystem in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, is now available to the public. Kachemak Bay had a frigid start to 2020, followed by warmer ...

New Publication Provides Insight into Resident Per...

A new NOAA publication suggests that outreach efforts have been successful in communicating to the public the benefits provided by coral reef ecosystems. Study results indicate that in the U.S ...

NOAA Releases Infographic to Communicate Socioecon...

Caption: Screen grab of infographic for South Florida Trends, 2014-2019. Credit NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. Click here to view the full infographic. The Socioeconomic Component of the National Coral ...

Report on U.S. Marine HABs: History, Current Statu...

NCCOS recently supported a review of the status of marine HAB problems in the U.S., part of a global statistical analysis of harmful algal blooms (HAB) events. The study relies ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium Highlights Early Car...

Credit: 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae Planning Committee. The 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae held at the end of May showcased the work of students, postdoctoral, and early ...

Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Est...

With ocean acidification threatening the health of aquatic organisms, a study funded by NCCOS, NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program, and the National Science Foundation reviewed a variety of processes that influence ...

Communicating and Understanding Ecosystem Services...

NCCOS-funded researchers from six institutions report on insights and lessons learned from stakeholder engagement. The engagement was conducted during a multi-year transdisciplinary project focused on quantifying and communicating the benefits ...

Environmental Sample Processor Enhances Ocean Sens...

In a study published recently in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, NCCOS and Northwest Fisheries Science Center researchers, along with partners at the University of Washington (UW), and ...


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