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An Economic Analysis of Shipping Costs Related to ...

Through an analysis of shipping costs, we provided scientific guidance to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) and other agencies, regarding the economic effects of potential management measures that ...

Assessing Social Values Relative to Offshore Wind ...

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM’s) Office of Renewable Energy Programs oversees development of offshore renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BOEM identified wind energy areas ...

Assessing Social Values Relative to Offshore Wind ...

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is in the process of auctioning wind energy leases in the Gulf of Mexico. To inform this process and future wind development activities, NCCOS ...

Assessing the Geographic Variability in Vulnerabil...

Coastal communities are increasingly vulnerable to climate effects, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion. To address these and other changing coastal risks in Los Angeles County, NCCOS researchers ...

Biogeographic Assessment to Characterize the Flori...

We are assessing the seafloor composition and the distribution of coral reef fish in the Florida Coral Reef Tract. By pairing the marine resources data with human-use information, we will ...

Changes to Non-market Values Associated with Chang...

The coast of Washington is home to diverse marine and intertidal communities valued for their aesthetic and recreational benefits. Our work improved understanding about how the value of these ecosystem ...

Characterizing Recreational Shore-based Fishers an...

The objective of our survey on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands was to test an approach for collecting shore-based recreational fishing data, such as who fishes from shore, for how ...

Economic Valuation of Shoreline Protection by Natu...

Natural infrastructure, such as seagrass beds, oyster reefs, and sand dunes can aid in protecting coastal communities. Without these natural defenses, storm surge, erosion, and sea level rise can have ...

Evaluating Changes in Health and Well-being in Com...

We are exploring how environmental changes that resulted from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster of 2010 are affecting human health and well-being in neighboring coastal communities. Federal, state, and academic ...

Measuring the Human Dimensions of Coastal Ecosyste...

We are using social science to better understand the linkages between coastal ecosystems and human health and well-being, with the aim of providing information to managers responsible for natural resources, ...


Survey Finds Coastal Carolina Residents Support Of...

Map showing North Carolina offshore wind call areas. Credit: U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. A survey of households in coastal North and South Carolina adjacent to proposed offshore wind ...

Study Assesses Social Values Related to Offshore W...

Block Island Wind Farm, coastal Rhode Island. Credit: Rhode Island Sea Grant. NCCOS researchers are using survey data to assess the social values and opinions of coastal residents in North ...

Findings from Coastal Georgia Ecosystem Services V...

Credit: NOAA. NCCOS social scientists published findings from a survey of coastal Georgia's permanent residents, seasonal residents, and visitors detailing what the three groups know and value about the region's ...

Study Shows Economic Effects of Measures to Reduce...

A whale passes through an area with heavy ship traffic off the California coast.Credit: John Calambokidis/Cascadia Research. A new report analyzes the potential economic effects of strategies to manage the ...

NCCOS Begins Work to Support Wisconsin -Lake Michi...

Last week, a team from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) met with Wisconsin stakeholders to help inform and design baseline ...

NOS Science Seminar Highlights NCCOS Social Scienc...

This week's National Ocean Service Science Seminar features "An Overview of Social Science Research within the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science" on Thursday, May 5 from 12–1 pm ET ...

NOAA and BOEM Characterize Resident's Attitudes To...

For the first time, NOAA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will work together to conduct a survey of North Carolina and South Carolina residents on their support ...

NCCOS Staff Shines at Annual NOS Awards Ceremony

The 2014 NOS Employee Recognition and Awards Ceremony honored ten NCCOS staff membersfor outstanding accomplishments, contributions, and coordination efforts within NOS and NOAA. NCCOS staff memberscomprised about 14 percent of ...

Scientists, Partners and the Public Prioritize Mar...

In preparation for future management and research investments, scientists from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries are collecting information from regional stakeholders ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

An Economic Analysis of Shipping Costs Related to Potential Measures to Manage the Co-Occurrence of Maritime Vessel Traffic and Whales in the Channel Islands Region

This report provides findings from an analysis and evaluation of the economic effects of potential measures to manage the co-occurrence of shipping traffic and whales in the Channel Islands region off the coast of California. These potential management measures are ...

Characterizing participation in non-commercial fishing and other shore-based recreational activities on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Non-commercial fishing, which includes recreational and subsistence fishing activity, is part of the culture and heritage of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Residents of USVI fish for enjoyment, to gather food, to bond with others, as well as for gifting ...

Ecosystem Services Valuation of the Central Georgia Coast, including Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve and Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

This report details the results of a survey effort conducted by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science in coastal Georgia which included the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. The survey instrument ...

Priorities for Lakebed Mapping in the Proposed Wisconsin-Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary

The Wisconsin-Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary has been proposed along the western shore of Lake Michigan between the cities of Two-Rivers and Port Washington, Wisconsin. Much of the proposed sanctuary and rest of Lake Michigan were mapped prior to 1950 and therefore ...

Quantitative Assessment of Spatially-Explicit Social Values Relative to Wind Energy Areas

The tabular dataset is a product of household survey conducted in 2018. The sampling geography was a predefined coastal region of North and South Carolina adjacent to offshore wind development areas. The subject of the data collection was resident perceptions ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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