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Oyster Marking Methodology Study

We are developing methods to imprint oysters with a non-toxic fluorochrome dye to give scientists, aquaculturists, health officials, and enforcement agencies the ability to positively re-identify marked oysters. Why We ...

Testing Feasibility of Directly Seeding Oyster Ree...

We are testing the feasibility of "direct setting," a new method for seeding oyster reefs. Traditional reef seeding in areas with low natural-recruitment uses hatchery-produced juvenile oysters attached to cultch ...


NCCOS Science Supports Oyster Restoration in Chesa...

Aquaculture researchers with NCCOS's Cooperative Oxford Laboratory in Oxford, Maryland, are helping the Severn River Association test cost-saving oyster restoration techniques in the Severn River, a tributary of Chesapeake Bay ...

Final Oyster Sampling to Support Aquaculture Model...

Brandon Puckett (left) and Jason Spires (right) process the final sample of oysters to complete the oyster growth curve used to calibrate the FARM model, July 18, 2023. Credit: NOAA ...

Study Confirms Effectiveness of Releasing Oyster L...

Update (4/22/2024): This research was featured in the documentary A Passion for Oysters, airing on Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30pm ET during Chesapeake Bay Week.  Crassostrea virginica juveniles and spat ...

NCCOS Participates in 2022 Maryland Shellfish Aqua...

In November 2022, staff from the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) participated in the 2022 Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference held in Annapolis, MD. The annual meeting was attended by a group ...

NCCOS Initiates Effort To Evaluate Nutrient Remova...

Researchers from NCCOS are working to develop a growth curve for bottom grown Chesapeake Bay oysters that will help calibrate the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM) model. This calibration, combined ...

NCCOS Oxford Lab Partners with Maryland DNR in Oys...

Suzanne Bricker (NCCOS) counting oysters sampled by NOAA divers on the R/V Chesapeake. Working in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR), researchers from the NCCOS Marine ...

New Technique Shows Oyster Shell Seeding is Possib...

The calcein fluorescent dye "tag" is shown here, glowing under special light. Credit: Jason Spires, NCCOS Traditional oyster restoration strategies involve seeding oyster shells with lab-harvested oyster larvae in enclosed ...

Maryland DNR and NCCOS Cooperative Oxford Lab Host...

DNR Secretary Haddaway-Riccio, in-district legislative staff, and other local leaders pose for a photograph at the Cooperative Oxford Lab, Oxford, MD. Back row (l to r): Brian Richardson; James McKitrick; ...

NCCOS Research Highlighted at Annual Oxford Day Op...

Visitors enjoy touching native species commonly found in Chesapeake Bay at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Open House held on Oxford Day (April 27, 2019). Credit: Suzanne Skelley, NOAA NCCOS. The ...

RDML Gallaudet Explores NCCOS Cooperative Oxford L...

Aboard the R/V Chesapeake at theCo-Operative Oxford Lab during RDML Galluadet’s May 15, 2018 visit (l to r): Mr. Jason Spires, Dr. A.K. Leight, Dr. Steve Thur, Mr. Brandon Elsner, ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Assessment of River Herring Spawning Runs in a Chesapeake Bay Coastal Plain Stream using Imaging Sonar

Recent declines in anadromous river herring (Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus and Blueback Herring A. aestivalis) have been documented in much of their range using fishery‐independent spawning run counts. A lack of rigorous long‐term run counts and demographic data for Chesapeake Bay ...

Coastal Ecological Assessment to Support NOAA’s Choptank River Complex Habitat Focus Area: Tred Avon River

In the Tred Avon River, an important tributary of the Choptank River, we assessed the impacts of land use on the health of the aquatic ecosystem in a 3-year field study (2015-2017). In our analysis of information collected during the ...

Direct Setting of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Larvae Confirmed with Calcein, a Fluorochrome Dye

Ongoing efforts to restore eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in regions of low natural recruitment rely on stocking of juveniles (spat on shell) to rebuild populations. Often, remote setting is used, entailing releasing hatchery-produced larvae into recirculating tanks filled with ...

Influenza A Virus Detected in Native Bivalves in Waterfowl Habitat of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA

We evaluated the prevalence of influenza A virus (IAV) in different species of bivalves inhabiting natural water bodies in waterfowl habitat along the Delmarva Peninsula and Chesapeake Bay in eastern Maryland. Bivalve tissue from clam and mussel specimens (Macoma balthica, ...

Marking the shells of juvenile and adult eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, with the fluorochrome dye calcein and measuring growth and mortality after marking

Techniques for positive re-identification of finfish are well developed and are used to estimate vital rates, migration patterns and stock structure. Fluorochrome dyes, like nontoxic calcein, have been used with success to mark hard parts of fish and the shells ...

Marking the Shells of Pediveliger Eastern Oysters Crassostrea Virginica, with a Calcein Fluorochrome Dye

The continued development of effective mark and recapture tools for marine invertebrates is required to better understand fundamental planktonic processes such as larval transport and mortality. Mass chemical marking methods provide researchers with the ability to mark large quantities of ...

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