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Codevelopment of Modeling Tools to Manage Sediment...

We will advance scientific, engineering, and policy perspectives on how sediment can be managed in coastal lowlands to reduce flood risk, bank instability, and erosion risk. We will evaluate sediment ...

Collaborative Development of Uncrewed Aerial Syste...

NCCOS field team conducting UAS flights on an intertidal oyster reef near Beaufort, North Carolina. From left to right: Ryan Giannelli, Camille Steenrod, Clayton Glasgow, and Brandon Puckett. Credit: NOAA ...

Considerations and Tradeoffs of UAS-based Coastal ...

NCCOS researcher tests Unoccupied Aerial System at Swan Island in the Chesapeake Bay, August 2021. Credit: NOAA. Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) provide a low-cost approach to collecting high-resolution aerial imagery, ...

Developing a Northeast Regional Model of Ocean and...

We will expand an existing regional model to include the carbonate chemistry that determines coastal acidification. The model will allow predictions and forecasts of acidification conditions to help in developing ...

Development of a water clarity index and leading c...

We are developing a water clarity index and climate indicator for the Great Lakes using satellite technology and weather patterns. The water clarity index will inform on the physical/biological drivers ...

Dynamic Sea Level Rise Assessments of the Ability ...

We are applying coupled hydrodynamic and marsh models to evaluate the potential for natural and nature-based features to mitigate flood risk under multiple scenarios, and to quantify the economic and ...

Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Caro...

We are developing mapping and modeling tools to provide the North Carolina coastal management community the most up to date research on the effect of sea level rise and storminess ...

Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Flood Prot...

We will evaluate how restored and natural coastal wetlands buffer flooding impacts in Coos Bay (Oregon) and Grays Bay (Washington). Why We Care Increasing flood and salinity levels from sea-level ...

Evaluating Nature-Based Solution Performance

We are evaluating the performance of three types of nature-based solutions: oyster reefs, coral reefs, and wetlands created from dredged sediments. We will examine project sites five or more years ...

Evidence on the Use of Built Structures for Coral ...

Amidst global declines in coral reefs, restoration practitioners and managers are increasingly considering incorporating built structures in restoration. However, information on how built structures have been used in coral restoration ...


Flood Control Work Begins at USS North Carolina Ba...

Earlier this month, the USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the Living with Water® project, which will address nuisance flooding at the memorial and preserve visitor ...

Modeling Identifies Locations for Elkhorn Coral Re...

Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata). Credit: NOAA. NCCOS scientists and partners published research that predicts which locations along the Florida reef tract would be most conducive to the survival of nursery-reared ...

NCCOS Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Enhance ...

High tide flooding on Smith Island, Maryland in August, 2022. Credit: Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) NCCOS is announcing $6.7 million in FY23 funding for 18 projects that will help facilitate ...

Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Announces FY24 F...

Cape May National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: US Fish & Wildlife Service The NCCOS Competitive Research Program is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for ...

Marine Mammals off U.S. East Coast Highly Vulnerab...

Among the 108 stocks assessed, several stocks of the iconic common bottlenose dolphin in the Gulf of Mexico were among the most highly vulnerable to climate change. Credit: Wayne Hoggard/NOAA ...

Research Reveals the Potential of Nature-Based Sol...

As we confront the escalating threats of climate change, there is growing interest in the potential of restored nature to offer a sustainable and effective response to the challenges posed ...

Assessing Nature’s Role in Resilience (Video)

A new video describing an ESLR-funded project was released by project partners this week. Maryland has an abundance of habitats that can help mitigate the effects of sea level rise, ...

New Research Improves Flood Modeling for Large Urb...

Coastal managers need accurate flood forecasts to protect communities from inundation. New research, funded in part by NCCOS, improves how levees are represented in flood models used to identify vulnerabilities ...


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Data & Publications

Climate change and larval transport in the ocean: fractional effects from physical and physiological factors

Changes in larval import, export, and self‐seeding will affect the resilience of coral reef ecosystems. Climate change will alter the ocean currents that transport larvae and also increase sea surface temperatures (SST), hastening development, and shortening larval durations. Here, we ...

Coastal Ecological Assessment to Support NOAA’s Choptank River Complex Habitat Focus Area: Tred Avon River

In the Tred Avon River, an important tributary of the Choptank River, we assessed the impacts of land use on the health of the aquatic ecosystem in a 3-year field study (2015-2017). In our analysis of information collected during the ...

Coastal ecosystem assessment of Chesapeake Bay watersheds: A story of three rivers, the Corsica, Magothy, and Rhode

This assessment explored linkages between land use and aquatic ecosystem health. Three watersheds (Corsica, Magothy, and Rhode rivers) with variable dominant land-use patterns (agriculture, suburban/residential, and mixed-use, respectively) were examined. The health of each habitat was assessed using a suite ...

Coastal ocean acidification: The other eutrophication problem

Increased nutrient loading into estuaries causes the accumulation of algal biomass, and microbial degradation of this organic matter decreases oxygen levels and contributes towards hypoxia. A second, often overlooked consequence of microbial degradation of organic matter is the production of ...

Coastal wetland response to sea-level rise in a fluvial estuarine system

Coastal wetlands are likely to lose productivity under increasing rates of sea-level rise (SLR). This study assessed a fluvial estuarine salt marsh system using the Hydro-MEM model under four SLR scenarios. The Hydro-MEM model was developed to apply the dynamics ...

Contributions of organic and inorganic matter to sediment volume and accretion in tidal wetlands at steady state

A mixing model derived from first principles describes the bulk density (BD) of intertidal wetland sediments as a function of loss on ignition (LOI). The model assumes that the bulk volume of sediment equates to the sum of self-packing volumes ...

Coral reef restoration monitoring guide: Methods to evaluate restoration success from local to ecosystem scales

This Guide should be used to measure and describe the progress of coral restoration projects towards meeting restoration goals. The CRC Monitoring Working Group has also developed a Coral Restoration Database and Evaluation Tool to be complementary to this Guide ...

Coupling centennial-scale shoreline change to sea-level rise and coastal morphology in the Gulf of Mexico using a Bayesian network

Predictions of coastal evolution driven by episodic and persistent processes associated with storms and relative sea-level rise (SLR) are required to test our understanding, evaluate our predictive capability, and to provide guidance for coastal management decisions. Previous work demonstrated that ...

Cruise Report for Patterns in Deep-Sea Corals Expedition 2016: NOAA ship Shearwater SW-16-08

The 2016 Patterns in Deep-Sea Corals expedition set out aboard the NOAA Ship Shearwater in August to study the distribution, ecology, and health of deep-water (30-300 m) gorgonian corals in response to the 2015 El Niño event. The research team ...

Cruise Report for Patterns in Deep-Sea Corals Expedition: NOAA ship Bell M. Shimada SH-15-03

Less than 50% of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary seafloor has been mapped using multibeam echosounders to produce habitat characterizations at a map resolution suitable for resource management. This is important because deep-sea coral and sponge communities are known ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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