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Hand-held Sensor for Domoic Acid Poisoning of Mari...

The algal toxin domoic acid (DA) poisons hundreds of marine mammals each year. Presently, first responders do not have access to sensors capable of rapidly and accurately monitoring DA for ...

Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Forecasting

Our offshore HAB forecasts notify coastal managers before blooms reach the coast. Our forecasts identify harmful blooms, location, size and trajectory. Our early warnings provide health officials, managers and water ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Detection Instrument Validatio...

We are improving detection of species of the toxin-producing alga Alexandrium in the field by producing highly portable, efficient, and effective biosensors. Alexandrium can be hard to identify and sample, ...

Implementation of an Operational Model for Predict...

Earlier NOAA-funded research developed models to predict blooms of toxic Alexandrium fundyense. Toxins accumulate in shellfish, causing illness in human consumers, so states must monitor shellfish and ban harvesting when ...

Improving the Gulf of Maine HAB Forecast with Envi...

Toxic algal blooms pose a serious health risk and often disrupt valuable regional shellfisheries. Eating seafood tainted with algal toxins can sicken or even kill people. We are pioneering use ...

Interannual Variability of PSP Toxicity in Eastern...

The Gulf of Maine is impacted annually by Alexandrium fundyense blooms which can result in paralytic shellfish poisoning. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) leads to significant economic impacts. The paralytic shellfish ...

Investigating Domoic Acid Biosynthesis and Toxic B...

The marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia (PN) produces domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that has caused widespread human poisoning along the northeast and northwest coasts of the contiguous U.S. Researchers have investigated ...

Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on ...

Seabirds and other marine birds are wide-ranging and highly mobile so mapping their at-sea distributions presents a significant challenge. The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps ...

Modeling, Visualizing, and Communicating Nor'easte...

We are working to inform and improve coastal resource management and resilience to extreme weather events (e.g., Nor’easters and hurricanes) whose impacts are magnified with sea level rise. The project ...


Gulf of Maine Cyst Sampling Cruise Sets Stage for ...

A Carib Corer collects bottom sediment samples containing the HAB cysts. The samples are processed onboard and the cysts preserved for counting at a shore-based lab. Credit Mary Rider, NOAA ...

Sharing Advances in Performance and Affordability ...

NCCOS funded improvements made to an in situ robotic biological sensing system, called the Environmental Sample Processor, are being shared at three major ocean science conferences in the fall of ...

NCCOS Awards $10.2M for New and Continuing Harmful...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) are pleased to announce support for 12 new and 22 continuing harmful algal bloom (HAB) research awards. The awards, totaling $10.2M, fund ...

Why are Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia Blooms Increasing i...

In the Gulf of Maine (GOM), the presence of the toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (PN) is growing. Unprecedented levels of domoic acid in 2016 led to the first Amnesic Shellfish ...

Underwater Robotic Sensors Deployed in Gulf of Mai...

Map showing locations of ESPs (yellow dots) and cruise survey stations (blue dots) in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine. Credit: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Last week, ...

Small Bloom Predicted for Gulf of Maine Red Tide i...

Researchers with NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are predicting a small, red tide for the Gulf of Maine this summer, continuing the ...

NCCOS Participates in Gulf of Maine HAB Stakeholde...

On March 26, 2019, the annual Gulf of Maine (GOM) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Meeting took place in Portland, Maine. ESP-chris deployed off Portsmouth, NH. ESPs are being used for ...

Researchers Project Fate of Scallop Fishery Under ...

NCCOS-funded researchers have published a paper that describes possible futures of the New England scallop fishery under a suite of climate, economic, biological, and management scenarios. The study highlights the ...

NOAA Trains Next Generation of Harmful Algal Bloom...

Dr. Michael Parsons (FGCU) leads a discussion on the toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium at the third Training Course on the Identification of Harmful Algae in United States Marine Waters. Credit: Bigelow ...

NCCOS Funds $6.8M for New and Continuing Harmful A...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) is pleased to announce support for 28 new and continuing harmful algal bloom (HAB) research awards in 2018. These awards, totaling $6.8M, ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Branch Ocean Color Satellite Imagery Processing Guidelines

The Harmful Algal Bloom - Forecasting Branch (HAB-FB) is a research group within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) tasked with forecasting and monitoring HABs. One of the more effective ways to ...

Improving methods and indicators for evaluating coastal water eutrophication: A pilot study in the Gulf of Maine

Study Goals and Objectives: 1) Improve existing nutrient-related eutrophication assessment methods, updating (from early 1990s to early 2000s) the eutrophication assessment for systems included in the study with the improved method. 2) Develop a human-use/socioeconomic indicator to complement the assessment ...

Investigation of 2006 Alexandrium fundyense bloom in the Gulf of Maine: In-situ observations and numerical modeling

In-situ observations and a coupled bio-physical model were used to study the germination, initiation, and development of the Gulf of Maine (GOM) Alexandrium fundyense bloom in 2006. Hydrographic measurements and comparisons with GOM climatology indicate that 2006 was a year ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors

At a proximal level, the physiological impacts of global climate change on ectothermic organisms are manifest as changes in body temperatures. Especially for plants and animals exposed to direct solar radiation, body temperatures can be substantially different from air temperatures ...

Model initialization in a tidally energetic regime: A dynamically adjusted objective analysis

A simple improvement to objective analysis of hydrographic data is proposed to eliminate spatial aliasing effects in tidally energetic regions. The proposed method consists of the evaluation of anomalies from observations with respect to circulation model fields. The procedure is ...

Model output for deep-sea coral habitat suitability in the U.S. North and Mid-Atlantic from 2013 (NCEI Accession 0145923)

This dataset was created for potential use as an environmental predictor in spatial predictive models of deep-sea coral habitat suitability. Deep-sea corals are of particular conservation concern due to their slow growth rates and vulnerability to disturbance. This is a ...

Model Simulations of the Bay of Fundy Gyre: 2. Hindcasts for 2005-2007 Reveal Interannual Variability in Retentiveness

A persistent gyre at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy results from a combination of tidal rectification and buoyancy forcing. Here we assess recent interannual variability in the strength of the gyre using data assimilative model simulations. Realistic hindcast ...

Modeled prevalance of seabirds and relative abundance of cetaceans in NW Atlantic (limit-40 W) from 1980-04-01 to 1988-10-01 (NCEI Accession 0130025)

This data set is a compilation of modeled seabird prevalence predictions for a selection of species including Razorbill (Alca torda), Greater Shearwater (Puffinus gravis), Wilson?s Storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus), Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus), and all auks (Alcidae), and relative abundance of ...

Modeling at-sea occurrence and abundance of marine birds to support Atlantic marine renewable energy planning: Phase I report

This report describes the first phase of a project aimed at producing maps of the spatial distributions of marine bird species in U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) waters that can be used to inform marine spatial planning in the ...

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