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How Will Changing Temperature and Oxygen Condition...

We are supporting the application of coastal ocean models to determine the vulnerability of important species to changing temperature and oxygen in the California Current. This will enable coastal managers ...

How will Climate Change Affect Harmful Algal Speci...

We are supporting research that will determine how future increases in temperature and ocean acidity will affect harmful algal bloom species (HABs) and their grazers. Light micrograph of Karlodinium veneficum ...

Hypoxia Response to Nutrient Management in Narraga...

We are developing observational and modeling tools and analyses to help management agencies in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island assess the efficacy of nutrient management controls on hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) ...

Implementing Karenia brevis Respiratory Risk For...

This project will establish a network that incorporates state monitoring partners and citizen scientists to show that the HABscope-based forecast system can provide robust, timely and useful bloom locations and ...

Implementing the Karenia “Tricorder” to Improve Re...

The toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis blooms annually in the Gulf of Mexico and negatively impacts human and ecosystem health through production of brevetoxins. A rapid, sensitive, specific assay for the ...

Influence of Shoreline Changes on Chesapeake and D...

We are supporting a large-scale research project to predict how shoreline development interacts with other stresses to change coastal ecosystems and the species that live in them. Research findings apply ...

Integrated Modeling of the Effects of Sea Level Ri...

We are advancing coastal dune and marsh modeling of the barrier islands, estuary and interior marshes in the Mississippi Sound to evaluate trade-offs between coastal management strategies and proposed restoration efforts ...

Interannual Variability of PSP Toxicity in Eastern...

The Gulf of Maine is impacted annually by Alexandrium fundyense blooms which can result in paralytic shellfish poisoning. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) leads to significant economic impacts. The paralytic shellfish ...

Investigating Mesophotic Coral Reefs in Hawaii

We investigated Hawaii’s mesophotic coral ecosystems to better understand them and their relationship to shallower reefs. We found reefs off Maui’s southwestern coast at depths of 30–130 meters (98–426 ft) ...

Keeping it in the System: Beneficial Use of Dredge...

We are developing a framework and process for matching dredging needs with opportunities for beneficial use of the sediment at local marshes, to help marshes keep up with sea level ...


Reef-Building Coral Species Differ in Tolerance to...

NCCOS-supported researchers investigating the effects of hypoxia (low oxygen) on threatened coral species discovered that some species have surprisingly high tolerance to declining ocean oxygen levels. While investigating staghorn coral ...

Machine Learning Collaboration Yields New Methods ...

A high-resolution UAS image taken at Neptune Bay, Oregon, by OSU researchers and labeled by a machine learning algorithm. Marine debris is a global issue that threatens our environment, navigation ...

Marine Benthic Algae of Puerto Rico Part I Publish...

Credit Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, Number 114. Smithsonian Scholarly Press. A new taxonomic study, “The Marine Benthic Algal Flora of Puerto Rico Part I” published by the Smithsonian Institution is ...

Seasonal Differences in Gambierdiscus Abundance, T...

An NCCOS-sponsored study provides the most comprehensive and quantitative assessment to date of the in situ toxicity of Gambierdiscus marine dinoflagellates in the Caribbean. Study findings have implications for the ...

NCCOS Partners with CERF ‘Rising Tides’- Contribut...

NCCOS sponsored and participated in the 2021 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 26th Biennial Conference, which was held virtually on November 1-4 and November 8-11, 2021. NCCOS scientists and ...

Climate Change Likely to Worsen Impact of Urban Ru...

The downtown Los Angeles skyline. Credit Wikimedia Commons. An NCCOS-funded study found that nutrient-laden, urban runoff is fueling algal blooms in Southern California's coastal waters that are acidifying the water ...

Real-time Data Aids Managers in Timing Decisions o...

NCCOS-supported instruments in Los Peñasquitos Lagoon are providing real-time data to Southern California managers and regulators on key physical parameters (dissolved oxygen, salinity, and water level) enabling them to determine ...

Understanding Blooms of Dinoflagellate Margalefidi...

Margalefidinium polykrikoides (previously known as Cochlodinium polykrikoides) is a toxic dinoflagellate algae found in Chesapeake Bay. NCCOS sponsored scientists at Old Dominion University used a time-dependent model to assess environmental ...

Lake Erie Eutrophication Exacerbated by Release of...

Lake Erie not only experiences eutrophication caused by runoff-laden phosphorus (P), but also by internal P loading caused by recycling of “legacy” P stored in bottom sediments. This phenomenon was ...

NOAA Scientists and Sponsored Researchers Particip...

The 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA) was held remotely October 10th - 15th, 2021 from La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Almost 400 ICHA contributions from 47 countries ...


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