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Improving the Gulf of Maine HAB Forecast with Envi...

Toxic algal blooms pose a serious health risk and often disrupt valuable regional shellfisheries. Eating seafood tainted with algal toxins can sicken or even kill people. We are pioneering use ...

Interannual Variability of PSP Toxicity in Eastern...

The Gulf of Maine is impacted annually by Alexandrium fundyense blooms which can result in paralytic shellfish poisoning. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) leads to significant economic impacts. The paralytic shellfish ...

Investigating Domoic Acid Biosynthesis and Toxic B...

The marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia (PN) produces domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that has caused widespread human poisoning along the northeast and northwest coasts of the contiguous U.S. Researchers have investigated ...

Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on ...

Seabirds and other marine birds are wide-ranging and highly mobile so mapping their at-sea distributions presents a significant challenge. The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps ...

Modeling, Visualizing, and Communicating Nor'easte...

We are working to inform and improve coastal resource management and resilience to extreme weather events (e.g., Nor’easters and hurricanes) whose impacts are magnified with sea level rise. The project ...

Multidisciplinary Approach to a Cross-Regional Pro...

Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) has emerged as a significant and expanding seafood safety threat in coastal regions across the United States. The harmful algal species Dinophysis produces toxins known to ...

Predicting Impacts of Ocean Acidification on North...

We are supporting an effort to predict the effects ocean acidification will have on northeast U.S. shellfish. We will make projections on survival, growth, and reproduction for two species, using ...

Quantification and Optimization of Nature-based So...

We are working to inform and improve coastal resource management and resilience to extreme weather events (e.g., Nor’easters and hurricanes) whose impacts are magnified with sea level rise. We will ...


Marine Shellfish Populations Estimated to be at Ri...

A new NCCOS-funded study shows that ocean acidification has the potential to harm wild populations of scallops and clams along the U.S. northeast coast. The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide ...

Researchers Project Fate of Scallop Fishery Under ...

NCCOS-funded researchers have published a paper that describes possible futures of the New England scallop fishery under a suite of climate, economic, biological, and management scenarios. The study highlights the ...

Habitat Focus Areas Highlighted at Coastal and Est...

Goldsborough Creek, Choptank River Complex Habitat Focus Area. Credit: NOAA. NOAA’s Habitat Focus Areas (HFAs) were highlighted at the 24th Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation held ...

Robots Help Locate Origins of Shellfish Toxicity i...

Scientists deployed four underwater robotic Environmental Sample Processors (ESPs) in the Bay of Fundy and the eastern Gulf of Maine at the end of last month. The ESPs count the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning ...

Gulf of Maine Red Tide Monitoring Provides Real-ti...

Figure 1: Depiction of Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) and buoy configured for deployment in the Gulf of Maine. Credit: WHOI From late April to early July 2016, the National Centers ...

A Primer to Living Shorelines Published

A synthesis of recent thinking and results from practitioners and researchers of Living Shorelines just hit the stands. " Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection," details ...

NCCOS Helps New England Respond to Unprecedented H...

For the first time in New England's coastal waters, shellfish have exceeded the regulatory limit for domoic acid - a potent neurotoxin produced by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. Domoic acid accumulates ...

Science Informs Vote to Protect Mid-Atlantic Deep-...

On June 10, NCCOS's cross-NOAA partnerships and investment in carrying out spatial analyses of deep-sea coral ecosystems informed a near-unanimous vote by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) to protect ...

Ocean Acidification Concerns, Information to be Ai...

The Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN) is planning an 'Ocean and Coastal Acidification Stakeholder Workshop' for December 10, 2014 at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, Maine. As a member ...

Coastal Ocean Acidification: The Other Eutrophicat...

Northeast U.S. coastal areas experiencing low oxygen and acidic conditions. (Courtesy C. Gobler, SUNY Stony Brook) Eutrophication, or increased nutrient loading to estuaries, causes algae to bloom and consequently coastal ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Estuarine Living Marine Resources: Mid-Atlantic regional distribution and abundance (NCEI Accession 0162403)

This is the Mid-Atlantic regional component of NOAA?s Estuarine Living Marine Resources (ELMR) Project, a national database of ecologically and economically important fishes and invertebrates in the Nation's estuaries. The distribution and relative abundance are depicted in a consistent format ...

Estuarine salinity zones in US East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and US West Coast from 1999-01-01 to 1999-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0127396)

These unprojected (geographic coordinates) 3-Zone Average Annual Salinity Digital Geographies are based on analysis of long-term salinity data for 147 estuaries of the contiguous United States. Each estuary is subdivided into three zones between the head(s) of tide, and the ...

Hypoxia and acidification have additive and synergistic negative effects on the growth, survival, and metamorphosis of earlylife stage bivalves

Low oxygen zones in coastal and open ocean ecosystems have expanded in recent decades, a trend that will accelerate with climatic warming. There is growing recognition that low oxygen regions of the ocean are also acidified, a condition that will ...

Large Natural pH, CO2 and O2 Fluctuations in a Temperate Tidal Salt Marsh on Diel, Seasonal, and Interannual Time Scales

Coastal marine organisms experience dynamic pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions in their natural habitats, which may impact their susceptibility to long-term anthropogenic changes. Robust characterizations of all temporal scales of natural pH and DO fluctuations in different marine habitats ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

Model output for deep-sea coral habitat suitability in the U.S. North and Mid-Atlantic from 2013 (NCEI Accession 0145923)

This dataset was created for potential use as an environmental predictor in spatial predictive models of deep-sea coral habitat suitability. Deep-sea corals are of particular conservation concern due to their slow growth rates and vulnerability to disturbance. This is a ...

Modeling at-sea occurrence and abundance of marine birds to support Atlantic marine renewable energy planning: Phase I report

This report describes the first phase of a project aimed at producing maps of the spatial distributions of marine bird species in U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) waters that can be used to inform marine spatial planning in the ...

Narragansett Bay hypoxic event characteristics based on fixed-site monitoring network time series: Intermittency, geographic distribution, spatial synchronicity, and interannual variability

Low dissolved oxygen events were characterized in Narragansett Bay (NB), a moderate-size (370 km2) temperate estuary with a complex passage/embayment geometry, using time series from 2001 to 2006 at nine fixed-site monitoring stations. Metrics for event intensity and severity were ...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) long-term monitoring: Regional Ecological Assessments and National Benthic Inventory (NCEI Accession 0202842)

The NCCOS Regional Ecological Assessments (REA) and NOAA National Benthic Inventory (NBI) include observations of water quality, sediment quality, fish and shellfish tissue chemical contaminants, and benthic infaunal abundance obtained from studies conducted since 1991 by NOAA and partnering institutions ...

National Coastal Condition Report IV

This document contains the results and analysis from the fourth national coastal assessment, published in 2012 ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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