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Integrated Modeling of the Effects of Sea Level Ri...

We are advancing coastal dune and marsh modeling of the barrier islands, estuary and interior marshes in the Mississippi Sound to evaluate trade-offs between coastal management strategies and proposed restoration efforts ...

Is an Old Dune a More Resilient Dune? Assessing Ho...

We will evaluate whether naturally vegetated dunes are more resilient to storm surge and erosion than bare or planted human-made dunes. The gradual development of natural dunes over a long ...

Keeping it in the System: Beneficial Use of Dredge...

We are developing a framework and process for matching dredging needs with opportunities for beneficial use of the sediment at local marshes, to help marshes keep up with sea level ...

Living with Sea Level Rise in the Texas Coastal Be...

We are using modeling to identify the best locations along the Texas Coastal Bend where natural and nature-based features (NNBF) can be used to address the effects of sea level ...

Modeling, Visualizing, and Communicating Nor'easte...

We are working to inform and improve coastal resource management and resilience to extreme weather events (e.g., Nor’easters and hurricanes) whose impacts are magnified with sea level rise. The project ...

Pavement Resilience to Sea Level Rise and Potentia...

We are investigating the coastal processes and hazards that damage roadway pavement. This work combines hydrodynamic, groundwater, and pavement models, along with an adaptation impact assessment, to understand overtopping and ...

Promoting Innovative Transformational Coastal Adap...

Coastal marshes and wetlands can attenuate wave energy and reduce flood risk. This project will model and evaluate the costs and benefits of various nature based solutions and management options ...

Quantification and Optimization of Nature-based So...

We are working to inform and improve coastal resource management and resilience to extreme weather events (e.g., Nor’easters and hurricanes) whose impacts are magnified with sea level rise. We will ...

Quantifying the Benefits of Natural and Nature-bas...

We will analyze how marshes, submerged aquatic vegetation, and other natural features reduce wave energy and flood risks along Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coastal bays. Our findings will inform ...

Salt Marsh Evolution along the South Atlantic Bigh...

We are advancing marsh modeling in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) to provide high-resolution predictions of future marsh evolution and the wave attenuation of these habitats under varying sea level ...


Atmospheric River Storms Threaten Communities and ...

Atmospheric rivers — also known as "rivers in the sky" — are long, narrow bands of concentrated water vapor that can produce high winds and massive amounts of snow and ...

Resilient Coastal Cities Need to Know the Five W’s...

There is growing evidence that flood risks in the United States have historically been underestimated, and will disproportionately impact individuals within low-wealth and marginalized communities. New research offers the Los ...

Drilling Holes in Alabama Roads to Learn How to Pr...

Top left: Drilling of a hole that can be used to place the instruments (moisture sensors and piezometers)Top right: Placement of a piezometer followed by three capacitance sensors to measure ...

New Study Examines the Role of Roots and Below Gro...

Dunes help protect communities from storms, and vegetation helps stabilize dunes by reducing wind and water erosion and by trapping and accumulating new sediment. While the importance of aboveground plant ...

NCCOS Awards $11 Million for Research to Enhance C...

Motorists crossing a flooded street in a low-lying Norfolk neighborhood called Colonial Place, which floods at every high tide. Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Will Parson NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean ...

Study Shows Newport Bay Marshes Can Keep Pace with...

Predicting future marsh conditions requires models that capture how both punctuated events and gradual physical and biological processes shape marshes. In Newport Bay, CA marshes can keep pace with sea ...

Model Quantifies Increased Flood Debris Risk in So...

Woolsey Fire smoke plume rises above California coast near Malibu, November 2018. Credit: U.S. Forest Service. Across the western United States, wildfires are striking with greater frequency and intensity, increasing ...

New ArcGIS Wave Transformation Toolbox (ArcWaT) Pr...

A NOAA funded research team has produced a wave transformation toolbox that delivers outputs on wave processes from state-of-the-art and highly complex hydrodynamic and wave models in intuitive and accessible ...

Communities in Southwest Florida Receive New Tools...

A NOAA funded study led by the University of Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University has recently published two new research papers and a community planning tool called ACUNE (Adaptation ...

NOAA, FHWA Federal Agency Partnership Recognized w...

A NOAA partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) received a U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA Environmental Excellence Award, which recognizes outstanding transportation projects, processes, and organizations that incorporate environmental ...


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Data & Publications

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 1998 - 2002: Physical, biological, and chemical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of a long-term study of hypoxia (NODC Accession 0002033)

The physical, biological and chemical data collected are part of a long-term coastal Louisiana dataset. The goal is to understand physical and biological processes that contribute to the causes of hypoxia and use the data to support environmental models for ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2003: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2003 (NODC Accession 0020956)

Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2003 ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2004: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2004 (NODC Accession 0032050)

Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2004 ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2005: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2005 (NODC Accession 0039733)

Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2005 ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2006: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2006 (NODC Accession 0049435)

Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2006 ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2007: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2007 (NODC Accession 0060060)

Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2007 ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2008: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2008 (NODC Accession 0069471)

Two sets of CTD data were taken during the 2008 surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird 911+ CTD system and a YSI 6820. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, secchi depth, and ...

Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2011: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2011 (NCEI Accession 0129417)

Two sets of CTD data were taken during the 2011 surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird 911+ CTD system and a YSI 6820. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, secchi depth, and ...

N and P as ultimate and proximate limiting nutrients in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for hypoxia reduction strategies

The occurrence of hypoxia in coastal oceans is a long-standing and growing problem worldwide and is clearly linked to anthropogenic nutrient inputs. While the need for reducing anthropogenic nutrient loads is generally accepted, it is costly and thus requires scientifically ...

Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf, 2012 (NCEI Accession 0162101)

Two sets of CTD data were taken during the 2012 surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf—Transect C off Terrebonne Bay and Transect F off Atchafalaya Bay and the 2012 Shelfwide Hypoxia cruise. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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