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Using Microcystin-degrading Bacteria and their Enz...

We will assess the potential that algal toxin–degrading bacteria have to degrade toxins from water treatment facilities. Why We Care Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur in eutrophic waters across the ...

Validation of a Triplex Test for Saxitoxin, Domoic...

We will evaluate an assay that simultaneously detects paralytic shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning, and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins in mussels.  Why We Care Shellfish aquaculture is a large and ...

Value of the Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Bloom...

We will estimate the economic benefits of the Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin, using a methodology that quantifies the value of information. Why We Care The razor clam and ...

Value of the SoundToxins Partnership: An Early War...

We will estimate the net economic benefits of the harmful algal bloom early warnings provided by SoundToxins and evaluate net economic benefits to recreational shellfish harvesters. Why We Care A ...


Coral Bleaching May be Induced by Hypoxia

NCCOS-supported researchers found low oxygen (hypoxia) led to coral bleaching, mass coral mortality, and changes in the microbial community on a Caribbean coral reef. In 2017, hypoxia was detected on ...

Long Term Research on the HAB Toxin Domoic Acid In...

A coalition of researchers funded by the NOAA Monitoring and Event Response for Harmful Algal Blooms (MERHAB) Program recently came together to co-locate an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) off the ...

Florida's HAB Problem: Why are HABs so Prevalent i...

A new publication, sponsored in part by NCCOS, reviews the history and status of harmful algal blooms in Florida, why they occur, the main species of concern and management challenges ...

Single-day Intensive Sampling Quantifies Algal Tox...

NCCOS-sponsored researchers and their partners conducted one-day intensive water sampling events in 2018 and 2019 to create high spatial resolution snapshots of the amount and locations of cyanobacterial toxins across ...

Ice Seals as Sentinels for Algal Toxins in the Pac...

An NCCOS-supported study detected the algal toxins domoic acid and saxitoxin in three out of four species of ice seals in western and northern Alaska. The finding suggests that ice ...

NOAA Announces FY22 Multi-stressor Federal Funding...

A leather sea star (Dermasterias imbricata) clings to a rock at the Outer Pinnacles. Purple urchins and even a rock scallop can be seen in this colorful display of life ...

Natural Algicide Eliminates Toxic Algae With Minim...

NCCOS-sponsored research on a natural algicide produced by Shewanella bacteria found that the compound can kill toxic algae without much harm to other organisms. The findings suggest that nature itself ...

Report on U.S. Marine HABs: History, Current Statu...

NCCOS recently supported a review of the status of marine HAB problems in the U.S., part of a global statistical analysis of harmful algal blooms (HAB) events. The study relies ...

NOAA Charleston Planet Stewards Students Complete ...

Students at St. John’s High School in Charleston, South Carolina, have been working with a partnership of NCCOS staff at the Hollings Marine Lab and NOS Education on a new ...


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