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A Multidisciplinary, Integrative Approach to Valui...

We are estimating the economic value from natural and nature-based infrastructure investments to stabilize coastline. Using hazard risks along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast, we are assigning a dollar value ...

Codevelopment of Modeling Tools to Manage Sediment...

We will advance scientific, engineering, and policy perspectives on how sediment can be managed in coastal lowlands to reduce flood risk, bank instability, and erosion risk. We will evaluate sediment ...

Dynamic Sea Level Rise Assessments of the Ability ...

We are applying coupled hydrodynamic and marsh models to evaluate the potential for natural and nature-based features to mitigate flood risk under multiple scenarios, and to quantify the economic and ...

Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Caro...

We are developing mapping and modeling tools to provide the North Carolina coastal management community the most up to date research on the effect of sea level rise and storminess ...

Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Flood Prot...

We will evaluate how restored and natural coastal wetlands buffer flooding impacts in Coos Bay (Oregon) and Grays Bay (Washington). Why We Care Increasing flood and salinity levels from sea-level ...

Economic Analysis of Shoreline Treatment Options f...

Coastal communities in New Hampshire are experiencing an increase in significant weather events, such as flooding and erosion, due to sea level rise and climate change. To reduce the impacts ...

Evaluating Risk of Tidal Marsh Inundation and Mone...

We are identifying the coastal wetlands in Georgia, South Carolina, and Delaware Bay that are most vulnerable to sea-level rise and quantifying the value of benefits they provide. We are ...

Guidance for the Successful Use of Living Shorelin...

Living shorelines are an increasingly popular shoreline stabilization strategy because they protect against shoreline erosion while also providing habitat and enhancing water quality. The widespread adoption of living shorelines is ...

Integrated Modeling of the Effects of Sea Level Ri...

We are advancing coastal dune and marsh modeling of the barrier islands, estuary and interior marshes in the Mississippi Sound to evaluate trade-offs between coastal management strategies and proposed restoration efforts ...

Keeping it in the System: Beneficial Use of Dredge...

We are developing a framework and process for matching dredging needs with opportunities for beneficial use of the sediment at local marshes, to help marshes keep up with sea level ...


NCCOS Awards $6.7 Million for Research to Enhance ...

High tide flooding on Smith Island, Maryland in August, 2022. Credit: Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) NCCOS is announcing $6.7 million in FY23 funding for 18 projects that will help facilitate ...

Effects of Sea Level Rise Program Announces FY24 F...

Cape May National Wildlife Refuge. Credit: US Fish & Wildlife Service The NCCOS Competitive Research Program is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for ...

Los Angeles Uses NCCOS-funded Flood Risk Study for...

Los Angeles Flood Risk - distribution of predominant race/ethnicity (left) and flood depth (right). Six weeks after the scientific study Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California was ...

Resilient Coastal Cities Need to Know the Five W’s...

There is growing evidence that flood risks in the United States have historically been underestimated, and will disproportionately impact individuals within low-wealth and marginalized communities. New research offers the Los ...

Research Fills Gap in Understanding Greenhouse Gas...

New research by NCCOS scientists provides data to help fill a gap in our understanding of the fate of coastal wetland sediment carbon following disturbance events. Stored organic carbon in ...

Researchers Evaluate Long-term Effect of Adding Sa...

NCCOS-sponsored research assessed the effectiveness of beach and dune nourishment on the morphological resilience of Dauphin Island, Alabama, for a 30-year period of beach management. Overall, the researchers found that ...

Wetlands in Intermittently Closed Estuaries Can Bu...

Along the U.S. Pacific Coast, many estuaries are not permanently open to the ocean, but shift between open and closed states. A NCCOS-supported study tested the hypothesis that intermittently-closed estuary ...

Communicating and Understanding Ecosystem Services...

NCCOS-funded researchers from six institutions report on insights and lessons learned from stakeholder engagement. The engagement was conducted during a multi-year transdisciplinary project focused on quantifying and communicating the benefits ...

Human Influences on Beach Loss (and Growth) in Ora...

Beaches are highly dynamic and their shape and size is the product of sediment being transported to the coast by rivers and bluff erosion and then shaped by physical forces ...

Management of Wetland Impoundments for Fish, Mosqu...

Suisun Marsh (CA) collage. Credit USDOI et al, 2011. In San Francisco Bay’s Suisun Marsh, NCCOS sponsored research compared the plant species diversity, abundance, and community composition among natural tidal ...


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