Projects Explorer

The NCCOS Project Explorer provides a snapshot of our official, discrete lines of research.
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User-Driven Tools to Predict and Assess Effects of Reduced Nutrients and Hypoxia on Living Resources in the Gulf of Mexico

We are developing user-friendly, management-scale forecasting tools and quantitative indicators for hypoxia impacts on the Northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. We will assess minimum data ...

Using ESLR-funded Data Sets and Tools to Evaluate Alternative Backshore Management Options Along U.S. Pacific Northwest Coastlines

We are assessing the environmental and economic tradeoffs of different nature-based solutions and traditional infrastructure for backshore dune environments in the Pacific Northwest. This will ...

Using Linked Models to Predict Impacts of Hypoxia on Gulf Coast Fisheries Under Scenarios of Watershed and River Management

We are linking a suite of well-established models to quantify fish and shrimp population responses to combinations of nutrient loadings and planned river diversions. Our ...

Using Passive Sampler Technology (Silicone Bands) to Detect Organic Contaminants in Coastal Waters around Charleston, South Carolina

We have teamed with Charleston Waterkeepers to evaluate how effective passive sampler technology (silicone bands) is at detecting organic contaminants in local waterways. Silicone band ...

Using Satellite Imagery to Assess Impacts of Land-based Pollution on Nearshore Coral Reefs in the U.S. Caribbean

Rainwater runoff from coastal watersheds, especially during flood events, transports sediment and other pollutants into estuaries and nearshore marine environments that often have negative effects ...

Validating the Technique for Identifying Paralytic Shellfish Toxins

Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is a world-wide, sometimes fatal seafood poisoning caused by potent algal neurotoxins that accumulate in shellfish. Most nations have certified shellfish ...

Water Quality Monitoring to Support Watershed Restoration in Culebra, Puerto Rico

We are working with partners to conduct nutrient and sedimentation monitoring on and around Culebra Island, Puerto Rico. Excess nutrients in coastal waters can result ...

Weather and Water: Using weather data to create models and tools to predict coastal impacts

Understanding and predicting climate-related issues along coastlines is important for management and coastal resiliency. We provide scientific information and tools on connections between climate, weather ...

West Florida Shelf Hypoxia and the Roles of Harmful Algal Blooms, Warming, and Extreme Events

Scientist preparing phytoplankton samples for measurements of respiration. Credit: Patricia Glibert, UMCES. We are seeking to understand the physical and biogeochemical mechanisms driving emerging hypoxia ...

Western Pacific Coral Reef Institute (WPCRI)

The Western Pacific Coral Reef Institute (WPCRI) is a collaborative regional partnership whose mission is to protect and preserve Micronesia’s reefs through scientific research that ...

Where is all the Brevetoxin in Florida Dolphins?

After over 500 bottlenose dolphins washed ashore during a decade of Florida red tides, puzzled scientists measured little to no brevetoxin in them. An unusual ...


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