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Coastal Subsurface Water Table and Saltwater Intru...

In Southeast Florida we are developing an early warning system that tracks saltwater intrusion and water table changes to help decision makers and managers plan, adapt, and avoid potentially catastrophic ...

Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies: Integrating Science ...

In response to the continued decline of coral reef ecosystem health, we developed a research program to define and understand the causes and effects of reef degradation and provided managers ...

Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative (HCRI)

The Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative (HCRI) research cooperative includes county, state, and federal agencies; community-based organizations; and the private sector working together to expand and coordinate monitoring and research activities ...

Mechanisms Controlling Hypoxia – Glider Applicatio...

We evaluated the use of gliders to improve Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone monitoring. The efficacy of this technology was determined and we developed a comprehensive plan that integrates glider ...

National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI)

Researchers at the National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI) are exploring scientifically sound approaches to understand, assess, monitor, restore and mitigate injured coral reefs. NCRI is recognized by NOAA as one ...

Synthesis and Integrated Modeling of Long-Term Dat...

We are integrating existing data sets collected in the Northern Gulf of Mexico to study hypoxia impacts on coastal ecosystems and associated fisheries. We are using probabilistic, data-centric modeling to ...

User-Driven Tools to Predict and Assess Effects of...

We are developing user-friendly, management-scale forecasting tools and quantitative indicators for hypoxia impacts on the Northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. We will assess minimum data needs to ensure these forecasts ...

Using Linked Models to Predict Impacts of Hypoxia ...

We are linking a suite of well-established models to quantify fish and shrimp population responses to combinations of nutrient loadings and planned river diversions. Our scenario analyses include different land-use ...

Western Pacific Coral Reef Institute (WPCRI)

The Western Pacific Coral Reef Institute (WPCRI) is a collaborative regional partnership whose mission is to protect and preserve Micronesia’s reefs through scientific research that is directly applicable to coral ...


Model Identifies Septic System Discharge 'Hotspots...

High-tide flooding on a street in Miami Beach, September 2015. Credit: NOAA. Groundwater in southeast Florida’s coastal zone is never far from the land’s surface, posing a risk to the ...

Decision Support Tool Visualizing Effects of Nutri...

The NCCOS Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems and Hypoxia Assessment Program (NGOMEX) has produced various ecosystem models that predict the effects of hypoxia on living marine resources.  Although such models ...

Third Advisory Panel Workshop on Hypoxia Effects o...

The third Advisory Panel Workshop on Hypoxia Effects of Fish and Fisheries was held virtually on December 14, 2020 as part of an NCCOS NGOMEX project led by Dr. Kim ...

Combining Geostatistical and Mechanistic Models Im...

NCCOS-sponsored scientists combined two traditional, but often separate, modeling approaches to better characterize, track, and predict coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Their study found that “fused” geostatistical ...

Model Combines Reduced Nutrients, Increased Temps ...

A team of NCCOS sponsored scientists have enhanced a hypoxia model with an unprecedented, multi-decadal oceanographic dataset to predict the combined effects of reduced nutrient loading, increased temperature, and freshwater ...

Testing the Feasibility of Robotic Gliders to Moni...

NCCOS has evaluated the use of underwater gliders to improve Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone, also known as the dead zone, monitoring. This effort resulted in the development of a ...

With Second Workshop, NCCOS Continues Focus on Hyp...

Credit S. Brandt, OSU. Building on results of an initial 2017 workshop, a second advisory panel workshop concerning the effects of low dissolved oxygen in water (hypoxia) was held June ...

Scientists Use New Technique to Measure Size of Gu...

Every summer, the largest hypoxic zone in the U.S. forms in the northern Gulf of Mexico, resulting in widespread ecosystem and economic impacts. Determining, and then mitigating the size of ...

NCCOS and NGI Lead First Fisheries Monitoring Work...

Monitoring dead zone oceanographic parameters and understanding how hypoxia impacts fisheries in the region is key to a successful Cooperative Hypoxia Assessment and Monitoring Program. Credit: LUMCON NCCOS and NOAA’s ...

Hypoxia Effects on Fish and Fisheries in the Gulf ...

Dr. Kim de Mutsert, lead Principal Investigator (PI) for the newly awarded Northern Gulf of Mexico project ' User-driven tools to predict and assess effects of reduced nutrients an hypoxia ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Assessing biophysical controls on Gulf of Mexico hypoxia through probabilistic modeling

A mechanistic model was developed to predict midsummer bottom-water dissolved oxygen (BWDO) concentration and hypoxic area on the Louisiana shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA (1985–2011). Because of its parsimonious formulation, the model possesses many of the benefits ...

Effect of Changes in Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations on the Spatial Dynamics of the Gulf Menhaden Fishery in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Declines in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in aquatic environments can lead to conditions of hypoxia (DO ? 2 mg/L), which can directly and indirectly affect aquatic organisms. Direct effects include changes in growth and mortality; indirect effects include changes in ...

Numerical Modeling of Hypoxia and Its Effects: Synthesis and Going Forward

Numerical models can provide the needed information for understanding hypoxia and ensuring effective management, and this book provides a snapshot of representative modeling analyses of hypoxia and its effects. In this chapter, we used the modeling and analyses across the ...

Optimizing resource use efficiencies in the food-energy-water nexus for sustainable agriculture: from conceptual model to decision support system

Increased natural and anthropogenic stresses have threatened the Earth’s ability to meet growing human demands of food, energy and water (FEW) in a sustainable way. Although much progress has been made in the provision of individual component of FEW, it ...

Space-Time Geostatistical Assessment of Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Nearly every summer, a large hypoxic zone forms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Research on the causes and consequences of hypoxia requires reliable estimates of hypoxic extent, which can vary at sub-monthly time scales due to hydro-meteorological variability. Here, ...

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