Projects Explorer

The NCCOS Project Explorer provides a snapshot of our official, discrete lines of research.
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Threatened Resources: Bank Systems of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

We undertook an ecological assessment of bank systems in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) to determine what will be lost if these systems ...

Tool to Forecast the Effect of Waves on Waterbodies and Shorelines

We created a tool to help coastal community managers, resource managers, and biologists estimate the wave impact potential to a given area. Wave forms included ...

Toward a National Coastal Ecosystem Prediction System

This project aims to deliver nationally consistent marsh habitat predictions with sea level rise. Leveraging a multi-agency partnership including modelers and end users, these co-developed ...

Toxic Prymesium parvuum: Characterization of Toxins Affecting Aquaculture, Environmental and Human Health

We have successfully identified several toxins and chemical properties of the harmful alga Prymesium parvuum with the ultimate goal of developing detection and monitoring tools ...

Toxicity and Potential Food-Web Impacts of Alexandrium monilatum and its Toxins

Once limited to the U.S. south Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, Alexandrium monilatum has extended its range to the lower Chesapeake Bay, where it ...

Tracking Fish Populations and Movements to Support Watershed Restoration in Southwest Florida

We are studying the effect of watershed restoration on fish communities and their movements in mangrove estuaries in southwest Florida. Our goals are to compare ...

Traveling Harmful Algal Bloom Laboratory Education Program

Why We Care New Jersey has seen significant increases in cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs) and related impacts. CyanoHABs sometimes produce toxins that can be ...

Uncovering the Mechanisms behind Wintertime Occurrences of Paralytic Shellfish Toxicity in Geoduck Clam Fisheries in Southeast Alaska

Paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) from the alga Alexandrium hinder the wintertime geoduck clam fishery in Southeast Alaska. With no winter blooms of Alexandrium on record, ...


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