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Characterization of an Algicidal Agent Produced by...

We examined a biological control agent isolated from a bacteria species that may provide a mechanism for halting the growth of certain types of toxic dinoflagellate harmful algal blooms. We ...

Development and Implementation of an Operational H...

This project developed a prototype operational statistical nowcast/forecast system for three harmful algal bloom (HAB) organisms in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, specifically the dinoflagellates Karlodinium veneficum, Prorocentrum minimus, and the ...

Development of a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Biogeochemic...

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Chesapeake Bay, which threaten human and ecosystem health, are more frequent and severe than decades ago. We are developing a new model that incorporates ...

How will Climate Change Affect Harmful Algal Speci...

We are supporting research that will determine how future increases in temperature and ocean acidity will affect harmful algal bloom species (HABs) and their grazers. Light micrograph of Karlodinium veneficum ...

Integrating Cell and Toxin Cycles of the Dinoflage...

Blooms of Karlodinium veneficum can produce fish-killing toxins called karlotoxins. Toxicity varies over time, with karlotoxins increasing prior to blooms and under growth-limiting conditions. We are testing the theory that ...


Study Confirms Red Tide’s Self-sustaining Seasonal...

An NCCOS-sponsored study has validated a 40-year old theory that the Chesapeake Bay bloom-forming harmful alga Prorocentrum minimum has a seasonal life strategy that depends on physical transport by estuarine ...

Natural Algicide Eliminates Toxic Algae With Minim...

NCCOS-sponsored research on a natural algicide produced by Shewanella bacteria found that the compound can kill toxic algae without much harm to other organisms. The findings suggest that nature itself ...

Understanding HABs Under Climate Change Requires N...

A new book compiles the current evidence on climate change and toxin producing harmful algal species in aquatic systems. A book chapter, sponsored in part by NCCOS, describes some of ...

Reviews of Our Current Understanding of Harmful Di...

In a recently released book on dinoflagellates, three chapters update knowledge of and changing views for the red tide alga Karenia brevis and the estuarine Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates Pfiesteria piscicida and ...

Algae with Mixed Feeding Capabilities May have Adv...

New NCCOS-sponsored research shows the importance of “mixotrophy”—the ability to photosynthesize like a plant and consume like an animal—to the growth of some single-celled organisms, such as the toxic dinoflagellate ...

NCCOS Awards $1.7M to Harmful Algal Bloom and Toxi...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) awarded $1.68M (million) in Fiscal Year 2017 funding for nine research projects to identify conditions increasing bloom toxicity, model toxin movement from ...

Tiny yet Toxic: Dinoflagellate Karlodinium venefic...

Relatively unknown and taxonomically confusing until the last few decades, the tiny but toxic dinoflagellate, Karlodinium veneficum, can produce dense blooms and fish-killing toxins. K. veneficum is a small chlorophyll-containing ...

NCCOS Investigates Natural Control of HABs

NCCOS sponsored research at the University of Delaware is testing the capability of a naturally occurring bacteriaShewanellato chemically control or mitigate harmful algal blooms (HABs). Microscopy images of three color-stained ...

NCCOS Sponsors 20 New Research Projects

NCCOS awarded nearly $4.5 million in new research grants while maintaining sponsorship of 42 continuing projects during 2015 for a total of $8.2 million in funding for innovative research. All ...


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Data & Publications

Characterization of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylases in the Basal Dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae

Dinoflagellates make up a diverse array of fatty acids and polyketides. A necessary precursor for their synthesis is malonyl-CoA formed by carboxylating acetyl CoA using the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). To date, information on dinoflagellate ACC is limited. Through transcriptome ...

Identification of a vacuolar proton channel that triggers the bioluminescent flash in dinoflagellates

In 1972, J. Woodland Hastings and colleagues predicted the existence of a proton selective channel (HV1) that opens in response to depolarizing voltage across the vacuole membrane of bioluminescent dinoflagellates and conducts protons into specialized luminescence compartments (scintillons), thereby causing ...

Karmitoxin: An Amine-Containing Polyhydroxy-Polyene Toxin from the Marine Dinoflagellate Karlodinium armiger

Marine algae from the genus Karlodinium are known to be involved in fish-killing events worldwide. Here we report for the first time the chemistry and bioactivity of a natural product from the newly described mixotrophic dinoflagellate Karlodinium armiger. Our work ...

LC-MS/MS Detection of Karlotoxins Reveals New Variants in Strains of the Marine Dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum from the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean)

A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed for the detection and quantitation of karlotoxins in the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. This novel method was based upon the analysis of purified karlotoxins (KcTx-1, KmTx-2, 44-oxo-KmTx-2, KmTx-5), one amphidinol ...

Pilot-scale outdoor photobioreactor culture of the marine dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum: Production of a karlotoxins-rich extract

A pilot-scale bioprocess was developed for the production of karlotoxin-enriched extracts of the marine algal dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum. A bubble column and a flat-panel photobioreactors (80–281 L) were used for comparative assessment of growth. Flow hydrodynamics and energy dissipation rates (EDR) ...

Two new karlotoxins found in Karlodinium veneficum (strain GM2) from the East China Sea

The dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum is a harmful algal bloom species with a worldwide distribution. This small athecate dinoflagellate makes a family of polyketide toxins that are hemolytic, cytotoxic and ichthyotoxic. The first chemical structure for karlotoxins from East China Sea ...

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About PMN

Meet the Team Our Goals More About the Project Jennifer Maucher, Steve Morton, Elisabeth LabanMonitor & MaintainMonitor and maintain an extended survey area along coastal waters throughout the yearList of ...

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