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Guidance for the Successful Use of Living Shorelin...

Living shorelines are an increasingly popular shoreline stabilization strategy because they protect against shoreline erosion while also providing habitat and enhancing water quality. The widespread adoption of living shorelines is ...

How Natural and Nature-based Features Could Enhanc...

We will simulate sea level rise and rainfall scenarios to determine how mangroves in southwest Florida will be affected in the future and what protection they will provide against flooding, ...

How to Increase Ecosystem Services of Coastal Beac...

The project team will use long-term monitoring data along the Oregon and Washington coast to evaluate the impact of sea level rise and storms on the geomorphology and ecology of ...

Improving Application of Marsh Predictions under S...

Coastal marshes support communities and economies by providing protection from storm surge and habitat for valuable species and recreation. To preserve these benefits, managers need short- and long-term estimates of ...

Informing Coastal Adaptation and Management throug...

We will partner with communities to enhance proposals to organizations that can fund innovative nature-based flood mitigation projects along the Gulf Coast. We will provide scientifically sound and illustrative information ...

Is an Old Dune a More Resilient Dune? Assessing Ho...

We will evaluate whether naturally vegetated dunes are more resilient to storm surge and erosion than bare or planted human-made dunes. The gradual development of natural dunes over a long ...

Keeping it in the System: Beneficial Use of Dredge...

We are developing a framework and process for matching dredging needs with opportunities for beneficial use of the sediment at local marshes, to help marshes keep up with sea level ...

Living with Sea Level Rise in the Texas Coastal Be...

We are using modeling to identify the best locations along the Texas Coastal Bend where natural and nature-based features (NNBF) can be used to address the effects of sea level ...

Mapping Coastal Elevations and Water Depths Using ...

Many organizations need imagery, and elevation and depth data to effectively manage our nation’s coastlines. However, coastal areas are expensive and challenging to map using conventional technologies. Here, we are ...

Marshes on the Margins: Developing Tidal Wetlands ...

We will investigate how the dynamic and heavily altered (e.g., through jetty construction or dredging) estuaries of Southern California will be affected by sea level rise. We will also identify ...


Right Plants in Right Places Key to Island Restora...

Natural breakwaters — such as marshes, islands, and oyster reefs — help protect people and property from coastal flooding by damping wave energy and slowing storm surge. Despite these advantages, ...

Aerial Drone Guidelines for Marsh Monitoring Publi...

NCCOS researcher tests Uncrewed Aircraft System at Swan Island in the Chesapeake Bay, August 2021. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS and partners have published guidance on using aerial drones to detect changes ...

NCCOS Awards $11 Million for Research to Enhance C...

Motorists crossing a flooded street in a low-lying Norfolk neighborhood called Colonial Place, which floods at every high tide. Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Will Parson NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean ...

New Report Provides Performance Evaluation Framewo...

Aerial photograph of Swan Island in August 2022, three years after restoration. The town of Ewell on nearby Smith Island is shown in the distance. Credit NOAA Natural infrastructure, including ...

New ArcGIS Wave Transformation Toolbox (ArcWaT) Pr...

A NOAA funded research team has produced a wave transformation toolbox that delivers outputs on wave processes from state-of-the-art and highly complex hydrodynamic and wave models in intuitive and accessible ...

Communities in Southwest Florida Receive New Tools...

A NOAA funded study led by the University of Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University has recently published two new research papers and a community planning tool called ACUNE (Adaptation ...

New Publication Highlights Role of Islands in Coas...

Aerial view of Peanut Island — built using dredged sediments — and Lake Worth Inlet, Florida. Credit: David C. Carson. Coastal islands protect the mainland from storm surge and shoreline ...

Partnering to Advance Use of Nature-Based Solution...

Photo taken photo during field site visits in the upper Bay of Fundy during a visit to a managed dyke realignment that resulted in rapid marsh colonization into a previously ...

NOAA, FHWA Federal Agency Partnership Recognized w...

A NOAA partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) received a U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA Environmental Excellence Award, which recognizes outstanding transportation projects, processes, and organizations that incorporate environmental ...

Oregon Researchers Engage Decision-makers to Suppo...

Last month, Oregon State University hosted a hybrid Oregon Dune Management Conference and Workshop online and at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. The workshop provided an update ...


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