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Ocean Acidification: Understanding Changing Chemis...

Ocean acidification is a problem created by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and it is harmful to certain plankton, shellfish, coral, and marine plants. We have ...

Predicting Impacts of Ocean Acidification on North...

We are supporting an effort to predict the effects ocean acidification will have on northeast U.S. shellfish. We will make projections on survival, growth, and reproduction for two species, using ...

Supporting Ecosystem Prediction and Environmental ...

We are supporting research that will identify areas of the California Current that are susceptible to ocean acidification and low oxygen and how that susceptibility will change in future ocean ...

Vulnerability of Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems to Ocea...

The high acidity and high dissolved inorganic carbon of the California Current ecosystem make it a natural laboratory to study the effects of ocean acidification and ocean warming on deep-sea ...


Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Seagra...

In a treatise, professor and seagrass ecologist/physiologist Dr. Richard Zimmerman reflects on the history of seagrass ecosystems research and contemplates the future of seagrasses under human disturbance and a changing ...

NOAA Intervention Strategy Seeks to Stem Loss of U...

NOAA Action Plan on Coral Intervention. Credit: NOAA. Rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions are threatening coral reefs worldwide, leading to a re-evaluation of long-standing conservation strategies. In response to recommendations from ...

Hurricane Harvey Water Quality Effects Documented ...

NOAA NWS radar mosaic of Hurricane Harvey on 25 August 2017, DBZ = radar reflectivity factor of precipitation). Credit: NOAA NWS. An NCCOS-supported study analyzed the short- and long-term water ...

Oxygen Loss and Ecosystem Impacts in the Californi...

Aerobic habitat compression for anchovy. Aerobic habitat compression in 2100 compared to 2000. Areas in red will lose the most habitat suitable for anchovy. Circles are anchovy observations, with larger ...

'Acidification' Causes Crumbling of Deep-sea Coral...

A new study shows that the waters off the California coast are a natural laboratory for observing the effects of ocean acidification on cold-water coral reefs. California’s ocean waters have ...

Underwater Grasses Can Improve the Acid Balance in...

Surface view of the Vallisneria americana SAV beds at Susquehanna Flats. a broad, tidal freshwater region located near the mouth of the Susquehanna River at the head of the Chesapeake ...

Marine Shellfish Populations Estimated to be at Ri...

A new NCCOS-funded study shows that ocean acidification has the potential to harm wild populations of scallops and clams along the U.S. northeast coast. The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide ...

Researchers Project Fate of Scallop Fishery Under ...

NCCOS-funded researchers have published a paper that describes possible futures of the New England scallop fishery under a suite of climate, economic, biological, and management scenarios. The study highlights the ...

$11.75M Awarded for Ocean Acidification, Coral Eco...

NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) are pleased to announce a total of $4.37 million in funding for 16 new research awards in Fiscal Year 2018, with an ...


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Data & Publications

Extending Vulnerability Assessment to Include Life Stages Considerations

Species are experiencing a suite of novel stressors from anthropogenic activities that have impacts at multiple scales. Vulnerability assessment is one tool to evaluate the likely impacts that these stressors pose to species so that high-vulnerability cases can be identified ...

Growth and feeding of deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa from the California margin under simulated ocean acidification conditions

The global decrease in seawater pH known as ocean acidification has important ecological consequences and is an imminent threat for numerous marine organisms. Even though the deep sea is generally considered to be a stable environment, it can be dynamic ...

Hypoxia and acidification have additive and synergistic negative effects on the growth, survival, and metamorphosis of earlylife stage bivalves

Low oxygen zones in coastal and open ocean ecosystems have expanded in recent decades, a trend that will accelerate with climatic warming. There is growing recognition that low oxygen regions of the ocean are also acidified, a condition that will ...

Influence of Major Storm Events on the Quantity and Composition of Particulate Organic Matter and the Phytoplankton Community in a Subtropical Estuary, Texas

Variations in the freshwater inflow regimes of estuaries due to perturbations, such as storm events, alter the source, and composition of particulate organic matter (POM) and the phytoplankton community which are key links in estuarine carbon and nitrogen cycling. To ...

Inorganic nitrogen release from sediment slurry of riverine and estuarine ecosystems located at different river regimes

The rationale of present study was to compare nature of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NH4+ and NO2+3) release from aerobic sediment slurry at two different hydrologic flow regimes. The watershed of the Guadalupe River/Estuary system receives more freshwater inflow ...

Large Natural pH, CO2 and O2 Fluctuations in a Temperate Tidal Salt Marsh on Diel, Seasonal, and Interannual Time Scales

Coastal marine organisms experience dynamic pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions in their natural habitats, which may impact their susceptibility to long-term anthropogenic changes. Robust characterizations of all temporal scales of natural pH and DO fluctuations in different marine habitats ...

Molecular structure characterization of riverine and coastal dissolved organic matter with ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight LCMS (IM Q-TOF LCMS)

Deciphering molecular structures of dissolved organic matter (DOM) components is key to understanding the formation and transformation of this globally important carbon pool in aquatic environments. Such a task depends on the integrated use of complementary analytical techniques. We characterize ...

Ocean Acidification Accelerates the Growth of Two Bloom-Forming Macroalgae

While there is growing interest in understanding how marine life will respond to future ocean acidification, many coastal ecosystems currently experience intense acidification in response to upwelling, eutrophication, or riverine discharge. Such acidification can be inhibitory to calcifying animals, but ...

Ocean and Coastal Acidification off New England and Nova Scotia

New England coastal and adjacent Nova Scotia shelf waters have a reduced buffering capacity because of significant freshwater input, making the region’s waters potentially more vulnerable to coastal acidification. Nutrient loading and heavy precipitation events further acidify the region’s poorly buffered coastal ...

Ocean Futures Under Ocean Acidification, Marine Protection, and Changing Fishing Pressures Explored Using a Worldwide Suite of Ecosystem Models

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) of the ocean considers all impacts on and uses of marine and coastal systems. In recent years, there has been a heightened interest in EBM tools that allow testing of alternative management options and help identify tradeoffs ...

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