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Great Lakes Mussel Watch Sites Land-use Characteri...

Land use is an important parameter in the assessment of coastal waters, as land-based activities and land-based pollution affect the quality of downstream environments. Land uses and land-use change around ...

Great Lakes Mussel Watch Supports the President’s ...

The President’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative began in 2010 and provided the financial support for the Great Lakes Mussel Watch, one of several projects of contaminant monitoring with Great Lakes ...

Linking Models and Field Experiments to Forecast A...

We are investigating the links between environmental variables and harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins in Lake Erie to better understand the process of toxin development and to forecast HAB toxicity ...

Managing the Impacts of Multiple Stressors in Lake...

Along with several partner agencies and institutions, we are funding NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory to improve the health of Saginaw Bay and to restore the ecosystem services that ...

Portable Toxin Detection Technology to Support Gre...

This project improves the rapid detection of cyanotoxins in the field to provide managers with timely information on risk and minimize exposure to stakeholders. The team will pilot use of ...


Lake Erie Hypoxia Forecast Helps Treatment Plant O...

Low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) in a water body can certainly harm aquatic life, but it can also create problems for water treatment plant operators. Personnel have to respond quickly when ...

Virtual Training Workshop Instructs Volunteers on ...

A virtual workshop was convened at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), on July 23, 2020 to train regional stakeholder and volunteer groups in the operation of MBio Diagnostic’s LightDeck technology-based ...

Scientists, Managers Identify Mapping Priorities f...

A sanctuary archaeologist explores the wreck of the wooden steam barge Shamrock, lost in Thunder Bay in 1905. Credit: Jennifer Idol. NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and ...

NCCOS Sensor Measures Toxicity of Lake Erie Algal ...

Cyanobacteria in Lake Erie can sometimes grow out of control and produce toxins called microcystins that are harmful to people and animals. These harmful algal blooms, or HABs, can have ...

NCCOS, Partners Survey Thunder Bay National Marine...

NCCOS project dive team member Phil Hartmeyer of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary takes photographs of the lakebed to ground truth acoustically-derived bottom habitat maps. Credit NOAA. This year, NCCOS ...

NCCOS “HABs Grab” Takes One-Day Snapshot of Lake E...

HABs Grab 2019 research team. Credit J. Chaffin, Ohio State University. Initiated and funded in part by NCCOS, scientists in the Western Basin of Lake Erie conducted the largest coordinated ...

Large Harmful Algal Bloom Predicted for Lake Erie ...

Cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Erie on August 19, 2011, one of the worst bloom years for the lake on record. Credit: Thomas Archer. NOAA and its research partners are forecasting ...

NOAA, Partners Map Lakebed in Michigan's Thunder B...

The NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab's R/V Storm (right) pulls into Roger City Yacht Harbor, Michigan, alongside the Bathymetric Explorer and Navigator (far center; small yellow vehicle) after transiting ...

NCCOS Scientist Receives Prestigious 'Gears of Gov...

Dr. Greg Doucette from the NCCOS Charleston Laboratory in South Carolina, along with his two NOAA teammates, received the celebrated 2019 Gears of Government President's Award. Dr. Greg Doucette (left) ...

NCCOS Modeling Work Shines at NOAA’s Unified Gener...

NOAA’s first unified General Modeling Meeting and Fair held September 10-12, 2018, at the Center for Weather and Climate Prediction in College Park, MD, featured the modeling and forecasting work ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Predicting spread of aquatic invasive species by lake currents

Knowledge of aquatic invasive species (AIS) dispersal is important to inform surveillance and management efforts to slow the spread of established invaders. We studied potential dispersal of invasive Eurasian ruffe Gymnocephalus cernua and golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei larvae in Lakes ...

Priorities for Lakebed Mapping in Lake Huron’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

The Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS) encompasses 4,300 mi² of Lake Huron off the northeastern shore of Michigan. Much of the lakebed in the sanctuary was mapped prior to 1950 and therefore those data suffer from multiple deficiencies by ...

Ship-borne Nonindigenous Species Diminish Great Lakes Ecosystem Services

We used structured expert judgment and economic analysis to quantify annual impacts on ecosystem services in the Great Lakes, North America of nonindigenous aquatic species introduced by ocean-going ships. For the US waters, median damages aggregated across multiple ecosystem services ...

Sight-unseen detection of rare aquatic species using environmental DNA

Effective management of rare species, including endangered native species and recently introduced nonindigenous species, requires the detection of populations at low density. For endangered species, detecting the localized distribution makes it possible to identify and protect critical habitat to enhance ...

Stepping stones for biological invasion: A bioeconomic model of transferable risk

We investigate three sources of bias in valuation methods for ecosystem risk: failure to consider substitution possibilities between goods, failure to consider nonseparability of ecosystem services with market goods, and failure to consider substitution possibilities between ecosystems. The first two ...

The Continuing Effects of Multiple Stressors in Saginaw Bay

In 2007 the NOAA Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) awarded a grant to NOAA GLERL and a team of partners to study the ongoing effects of multiple stressors on the Saginaw Bay ecosystem. This supplemental issue of the ...

Weed Risk Assessment for Aquatic Plants: Modification of a New Zealand System for the United States

We tested the accuracy of an invasive aquatic plant risk assessment system in the United States that we modified from a system originally developed by New Zealand’s Biosecurity Program. The US system is comprised of 38 questions that address biological, ...

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