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NOAA and Navy Investigate Seasonal Cetacean Distri...

Researchers spot a dolphin in their transect for identification. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS researchers recently completed field work to identify the seasonal distribution and abundance of cetacean species in proximity to ...

Injury to Mesophotic Corals linked to Deepwater Ho...

This deteriorating sea fan Hypnogorgia pendula looks like a zombie from the deep, the gorgonian octocoral was located on mesophotic reefs situated below the oil slick of Deepwater Horizon for ...

Why Nutrient-Enriched Waters Favor Large Single-Ce...

Ecological studies show that bottom-up (e.g., nutrient input) and top-down (e.g., grazing/predation) pressuresmay change the structure of aquatic ecosystems with 'cascading' effectsthroughoutthe food chain. Recent research supportsthat zooplankton grazing in ...

New FY 2016 Research Funding Opportunity Available...

NCCOS has created a funding opportunity for Fiscal Year 2016 for two, national competitive hypoxia programs: the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems and Hypoxia Assessment Program (NGOMEX), and the Coastal ...

NOAA and Louisiana Collaborate on Mississippi Rive...

The 5th Annual NOAA/Northern Gulf Institute Gulf Hypoxia Research Coordination Workshop (see "previous workshops - 2014") brought together Louisiana state officials, federal and other state agencies, NGOs, and academic scientists ...

Sea Level Rise Shoreline Model Reconstructs Past t...

A unique NCCOS sponsored study, recently published in Continental Shelf Research, examined the influence of sea level rise (SLR) on historic mainland and barrier island beaches and salt marshes of ...

NCCOS Sponsors 20 New Research Projects

NCCOS awarded nearly $4.5 million in new research grants while maintaining sponsorship of 42 continuing projects during 2015 for a total of $8.2 million in funding for innovative research. All ...

Toxic Algae and Their Seaweed Hosts May Predict Ci...

New research shows that different Caribbean species of Gambierdiscus — the microscopic marine algae most often associated with ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) — demonstrate different growth and attachment behaviors with ...

New FY 2016 Funding Opportunity Available to Resea...

NCCOS hascreated a funding opportunity for Fiscal Year 2016 for researchersto assessthe ability of natural and nature-based coastal features to mitigate the effects of sea level rise and coastal inundation ...

New Technology Documents Rapid Phytoplankton Respo...

A scientific study funded by NCCOS's ECOHAB program, shows phytoplankton community structure changing rapidly, often by the hour, as tropical cyclones pass by. A revolutionary sampling instrument, the Imaging FlowCytobot ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Tidal hydrodynamics under future sea level rise and coastal morphology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

This study examines the integrated influence of sea level rise (SLR) and future morphology on tidal hydrodynamics along the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) coast including seven embayments and three ecologically and economically significant estuaries. A large-domain hydrodynamic model was ...

U.S. Shrimp Market Integration

Recent supply shocks in the Gulf of Mexico—including hurricanes, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the seasonal appearance of a large dead zone of low oxygen water (hypoxia)—have raised concerns about the economic viability of the U.S. shrimp fishery. The ...

Upregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and HIF-2α mRNA levels in dragonet Callionymus valenciennei exposed to environmental hypoxia in Tokyo Bay

There is an urgent need to develop reliable biomarkers of environmental hypoxia exposure in marine organisms in order to assess the ecological impacts of the marked increase in coastal hypoxia worldwide. Full-length hypoxia-inducible factor HIF-1α and HIF-2α cDNAs were cloned ...

White paper on Gulf of Mexico mercury fate and transport: applying scientific research to reduce the risk from mercury in Gulf of Mexico seafood

This white paper provides back ground and rationale for the priorities laid out in the Action Plan and summarizes our current understanding of mercury in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. In addition, the Action Plan emphasizes the identification of special ...

Working with video to improve deep-sea habitat characterization

Videos collected from ROVs empower people to explore the ocean from any location. Beyond the immediate value of revealing the mysteries of the deep ocean, video footage provides a rich data source that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the ...

General Pages

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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