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New FY 2016 Funding Opportunity Available to Research Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise

NCCOS hascreated a funding opportunity for Fiscal Year 2016 for researchersto assessthe ability of natural and nature-based coastal features to mitigate the effects of sea level rise and coastal inundation. The geographic scope of this funding is limited to coastal regions of southern California (defined as San Louis Obispo County south to the U.S./Mexico border) and the Gulf of Mexico.Applications for the funding maybe submitted via the Grants.gov website through January 8, 2016 (Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2016-2004616).

Coastal communities face resiliency challenges with the combined effects of storm surge and sea level rise. Credit U.S. Department of Transportation
Coastal communities face resiliency challenges with the combined effects of storm surge and sea level rise. Credit: U.S. Department of Transportation.

NCCOS shares specific announcements of Federal Funding Opportunities herein as a courtesy to our research community. This page does not replace requirements and official information posted on Grants.gov.Please visit the Grants.gov websitefor complete information. Interested parties may also visit the NCCOS Funding Opportunities webpage.

For more information, contact Laurie.Golden@noaa.gov.