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Transitioning to Operations NOAA Supported Statist...

The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) mandates the development of scientific tools for natural resource managers to address hypoxia in coastal ecosystems. In response, NCCOS ...

Where is the Fish Food? Chesapeake Bay Mesozooplan...

The purpose of this project is to collect and document the abundance and composition of Chesapeake Bay mesozooplankton, an important food source for juvenile fish in the region. The information ...


New Technique Shows Oyster Shell Seeding is Possib...

The calcein fluorescent dye "tag" is shown here, glowing under special light. Credit: Jason Spires, NCCOS Traditional oyster restoration strategies involve seeding oyster shells with lab-harvested oyster larvae in enclosed ...

NOAA Scientists Help Define Best Management Practi...

On September 10-11, 2019, Dr. Suzanne Bricker (NCCOS) and Dr. Julie Rose (NMFS) led part of a workshop that explored ways to promote and implement the use of oyster habitats ...

NCCOS Oxford Lab Explores Collaboration with Unive...

Aerial view of NCCOS Cooperative Oxford Laboratory in Oxford, Maryland. Credit: NOAA. Last month, the NCCOS Cooperative Oxford Laboratory in Oxford, Maryland, hosted senior staff from the University of Maryland's ...

New Forecast Predicts Occurrence of Pathogenic Vib...

Vibrio vulnificus model results for Chesapeake Bay, May 23, 2019. Credit: NOAA. A new NOAA forecast shows public health officials in Maryland and Virginia when and where the pathogenic Vibrio ...

Maryland DNR and NCCOS Cooperative Oxford Lab Host...

DNR Secretary Haddaway-Riccio, in-district legislative staff, and other local leaders pose for a photograph at the Cooperative Oxford Lab, Oxford, MD. Back row (l to r): Brian Richardson; James McKitrick; ...

NCCOS Research Highlighted at Annual Oxford Day Op...

Visitors enjoy touching native species commonly found in Chesapeake Bay at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Open House held on Oxford Day (April 27, 2019). Credit: Suzanne Skelley, NOAA NCCOS. The ...

Cooperative Oxford Lab Conducts Environmental Heal...

NCCOS Safety Officer Ron Gagnon looks on as Amy Freitag of NCCOS COL uses a fire extinguisher to put out a practice fire during Safety Training at Cooperative Oxford Laboratory ...

NCCOS, Coast Guard Collaborate in Earth Day Cleanu...

COL and USCG Station Oxford staff participated in the 2019 Earth Day community wide trash pickup in Oxford, MD. Pictured are NCCOS’ A.K. Leight on left and Gretchen Messick second ...

NCCOS Scientist Helps Maryland Oyster Grower Decid...

Scott Budden, owner of Orchard Point Oyster Company, checks mortality of oysters at his Chester River, Maryland, oyster lease site. Credit: S. Bricker, NOAA NCCOS. Earlier this month, Dr. Suzanne ...

Algae with Mixed Feeding Capabilities May have Adv...

New NCCOS-sponsored research shows the importance of “mixotrophy”—the ability to photosynthesize like a plant and consume like an animal—to the growth of some single-celled organisms, such as the toxic dinoflagellate ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Magnitude and Extent of Contaminated Sediment and Toxicity in Chesapeake Bay

This report summarizes the results of NOAA's sediment toxicity, chemistry, and benthic community studies in the Chesapeake Bay estuary. As part of the National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program, NOAA has conducted studies to determine the spatial extent and severity ...

Metabolic balance between ecosystem production and consumption

This chapter reviews research on ecosystem metabolism in coastal environments, focusing on the history of methods development, spatial/temporal variations in rates, controlling factors, and application of these methods to address diverse scientific questions. Essential concepts and widely used terms are ...

Microsatellite analysis to estimate realized dispersal distance in Phragmites australis

An understanding of the mean and maximum dispersal distances of target species and subsequent scaling of management efforts to dispersal distance can be key in slowing, containing, or eradicating invasive species. However, dispersal distance is often difficult to measure. Patterns ...

Modeling the influence of hypoxia on the potential habitat of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus): a comparison of two methods

Management of marine and estuarine fish and shellfish would benefit from a numerical approach that quantifies the impacts of climate variability and eutrophication. We present a proof-of-concept habitat volume model that incorporates predictions from a 3-dimensional biophysical model. Using temperature, ...

Movement of Juvenile Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) and Spot (Leistomus xanthurus) in Relation to Diel-cycling Hypoxia in an Estuarine Tributary: Assessment Using Acoustic Telemetry

Fish movement and the spatial and temporal dynamics of hypoxia determine hypoxia exposure and the effect of poor water quality on nursery habitat function. Although water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen (DO) are well defined, hypoxia exposure of juvenile estuary-dependent ...

Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America

We use a regional comparison of Phragmites australis (common reed) subsp. americanus, P. australis subsp. berlandieri and introduced P. australis (possibly five sublineages) in the Chesapeake Bay, the St Lawrence River, Utah and the Gulf Coast to inform a North ...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) long-term monitoring: Regional Ecological Assessments and National Benthic Inventory (NCEI Accession 0202842)

The NCCOS Regional Ecological Assessments (REA) and NOAA National Benthic Inventory (NBI) include observations of water quality, sediment quality, fish and shellfish tissue chemical contaminants, and benthic infaunal abundance obtained from studies conducted since 1991 by NOAA and partnering institutions ...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Coastal Ecosystem Assessment Program: A Manual of Methods

The purpose of this manual is to provide a framework for the assessment of ecosystem health that may be adapted, or used in whole or part for application to other regions. Methods are provided for all aspects from sampling design ...

National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment: Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Nation’s Estuaries

This report presents the results of a National Assessment Workshop held in August 1998 to address the problem of estuarine eutrophication. The assessment was based primarily on the results of the National Estuarine Eutrophication Survey, conducted by NOAA from 1992 ...

Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development

Hypoxia has become a world-wide phenomenon in the global coastal ocean and causes a deterioration of the structure and function of ecosystems. Based on the collective contributions of members of SCOR Working Group #128, the present study provides an overview ...

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