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Living with Sea Level Rise in the Texas Coastal Be...

We are using modeling to identify the best locations along the Texas Coastal Bend where natural and nature-based features (NNBF) can be used to address the effects of sea level ...

Pavement Resilience to Sea Level Rise and Potentia...

We are investigating the coastal processes and hazards that damage roadway pavement. This work combines hydrodynamic, groundwater, and pavement models, along with an adaptation impact assessment, to understand overtopping and ...

Supporting Redesign of Battleship NORTH CAROLINA P...

In response to repeated nuisance flooding events that have impacted operations and visitor access at the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA Park, NCCOS scientists are supporting park mangers in their efforts to ...

Surface Transportation, Sea Level Rise, and Coasta...

In collaboration with the Alabama Department of Transportation, we are evaluating the effects of sea level rise on road and ferry access infrastructure in coastal Alabama and determining the ability ...


Assessing Nature’s Role in Resilience (Video)

A new video describing an ESLR-funded project was released by project partners this week. Maryland has an abundance of habitats that can help mitigate the effects of sea level rise, ...

Researchers Evaluate Long-term Effect of Adding Sa...

NCCOS-sponsored research assessed the effectiveness of beach and dune nourishment on the morphological resilience of Dauphin Island, Alabama, for a 30-year period of beach management. Overall, the researchers found that ...

Wetlands in Intermittently Closed Estuaries Can Bu...

Along the U.S. Pacific Coast, many estuaries are not permanently open to the ocean, but shift between open and closed states. A NCCOS-supported study tested the hypothesis that intermittently-closed estuary ...

Communicating and Understanding Ecosystem Services...

NCCOS-funded researchers from six institutions report on insights and lessons learned from stakeholder engagement. The engagement was conducted during a multi-year transdisciplinary project focused on quantifying and communicating the benefits ...

Study Identifies Barriers, Opportunities for Benef...

A new NOAA-funded study outlines systemic changes that could be made in Southern California to encourage beneficial reuse of sediment to support coastal resilience. Sediment management is increasingly important as ...

Researchers Survey Living Shoreline at NCCOS Lab i...

A riprap-sill "living shoreline" on Pivers Island in Beaufort, North Carolina, home of the NCCOS Beaufort Lab and the Duke University Marine Lab. Credit: Carolyn Currin, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS scientists, ...

Shoreline Armoring Along Oregon Coast Lowers Value...

Oceanfront landowners in Neskowin, Oregon, have chosen to use rock revetments, or rip-rap, to protect their properties from erosion. Their decision has implications for property values, public access, and recreation ...


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