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Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea...

We developed spatial predictive models for deep-sea corals, sponges, and benthic macrofauna offshore of the continental U.S. West Coast. Maps and geospatial data depicting the predicted spatial distributions of these ...

Characterizing Spatial Distributions of Deep-sea C...

We compiled observations of deep-sea corals and chemosynthetic communities from field surveys and developed spatial predictive models for these organisms and habitats in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Maps and ...

Characterizing Spatial Distributions of Deep-sea C...

We are compiling observations of deep-sea corals and hardbottom habitats from field surveys and developing spatial predictive models for these organisms and habitats in the U.S. Southeast Atlantic. Maps and ...

Deep Coral Predictive Habitat Modeling in the U.S....

We are using statistical models that combine databases of known deep-sea coral beds with information about key habitats to predict and map suitable habitat for deep-sea corals in the U.S ...

How do Ocean Currents Connect Coral Reefs among Is...

Coral ecosystems are sustained by young fish and corals born locally, and by those drifting from other reefs on ocean currents. Identifying and protecting sources of young corals and fish ...

Predicting and Characterizing Deep-Sea Coral Habit...

We will develop predictive spatial models for deep-sea coral habitat within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM). PMNM’s boundaries were expanded in 2016, and this expansion is being reviewed under ...

Predictive Modeling and Mapping of Hardbottom Seaf...

Detailed maps of seafloor habitats along the southeast U.S. coast are sparse. While efforts to explore and map fish habitats have increased, predictions of additional hardbottom locations would help regional ...


New Publication Shows Distribution of Threatened C...

A new modeling study by NOAA scientists and others at University of the Virgin Islands and Louisiana State University predicts the distribution of Orbicella corals in shallow and mesophotic reef ...


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Data & Publications

An Economic Analysis of Shipping Costs Related to Potential Measures to Manage the Co-Occurrence of Maritime Vessel Traffic and Whales in the Channel Islands Region

This report provides findings from an analysis and evaluation of the economic effects of potential measures to manage the co-occurrence of shipping traffic and whales in the Channel Islands region off the coast of California. These potential management measures are ...

Climate change and larval transport in the ocean: fractional effects from physical and physiological factors

Changes in larval import, export, and self‐seeding will affect the resilience of coral reef ecosystems. Climate change will alter the ocean currents that transport larvae and also increase sea surface temperatures (SST), hastening development, and shortening larval durations. Here, we ...

Comprehensive Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation in the New York Bight

Prior to this study, NOAA NCCOS has conducted previous efforts to characterize the ocean floor offshore NY. For example, as part of the NY Department of State’s renewable energy planning efforts and its Offshore Atlantic Ocean Study, released in July ...

Is Guam a regional source, destination, or stepping-stone for larvae of three fisheries species?

The pelagic larval duration (PLD) period of fish can influence dispersal, recruitment, and population connectivity, thereby potentially informing best strategies for fisheries management. Computer models were used to simulate the dispersal of larvae of three species, representing a range of ...

Island sources and destinations of virtual larvae for the Mariana region, simulation results (2004 to 2012) (NCEI Accession 0156648)

This tabular dataset is the result of computer simulations conducted by NOAA scientists and their partners to estimate the transport of marine larvae between islands in and around the Mariana Archipelago. The table consists of the number of virtual larvae ...

Model output for deep-sea coral habitat suitability in the U.S. North and Mid-Atlantic from 2013 (NCEI Accession 0145923)

This dataset was created for potential use as an environmental predictor in spatial predictive models of deep-sea coral habitat suitability. Deep-sea corals are of particular conservation concern due to their slow growth rates and vulnerability to disturbance. This is a ...

Models of habitat suitability, size, and age-class structure for the deep-sea black coral Leiopathes glaberrima in the Gulf of Mexico

Deep-sea corals are important components of the benthos in the Gulf of Mexico, because they provide structural complexity to associated species of fish and invertebrates, and they serve as proxies for environmental conditions on millennial time scales. In the Gulf ...

NCCOS Mapping: Comprehensive Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation in the New York Bight from 2017-10-20 to 2019-03-27 (NCEI Accession 0204737)

This collection of benthic habitat mapping data is an inventory of hydrographic multibeam sonar surveys, georeferenced benthic photographs and video clips, seafloor morphometric analysis, and predictive models all collected in the New York Wind Energy Areas (NYWEA) designated by the ...

Potential larval sources, destinations, and self-seeding in the Mariana Archipelago documented using ocean drifters

Identifying transport pathways and sources of reef larvae is an essential component of ecosystem science. Ocean drifters tracked by satellite around the Mariana Archipelago were used to evaluate the possible pathways of transport among islands for passive larvae of reef ...

Transport pathways of marine larvae around the Mariana archipelago

The present study seeks to further our understanding of ocean currents in and around the Mariana archipelago and their potential influence on larval transport. We combined observational data on ocean currents from satellite-tracked surface drifters with computer simulations of larval ...

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