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NCCOS Leads Efforts to Prioritize Cyanobacterial H...

In 2014 access to drinking water in Toledo, Ohio was shut downdue to cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom (HAB)toxins from Lake Erie. The National Science Foundation and NOAA responded with a ...

Technology Transfer of Toxin Detection Methods to ...

Two researchers from the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) visited the NCCOS Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR ) laboratory in Charleston, SC for ...

High-tech Armada Links Toxic Algal Blooms and Nutr...

In April 2014, NCCOS-funded scientists deployed two Environmental Sample Processors, two research vessels, five autonomous underwater vehicles, and five drifters in the ocean around San Pedro Bay, off Southern California, ...

Gulf of Maine Red Tide Forecast Suggests Modest Bl...

A team of NOAA and academic researchers led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has issued a seasonal red tide forecast for the Gulf of Maine as part of ...

Underwater Robots Detect Toxic Algae off Southern ...

Two autonomous underwater robots deployed in San Pedro Bay off southern California have detected the diatom Pseudo-nitzschiaand its potent neurotoxin domoic acid. This may signal the initiation of a harmful ...

NCCOS Calibrates Harmful Algal Bloom Toxin Sensors...

An NCCOS scientist visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute on Nov. 6 -13 to perform critical calibration of NCCOS-developed domoic acid sensors on two robotic Environmental Sample Processors (ESPs) ...

NCCOS Contributes to European Union Workshop on Al...

NCCOS concluded its contribution to a three-year project funded by the Irish Marine Institute on the algal toxin, azaspiracid, with presentations at the final Dissemination & Stakeholder Workshop held in ...

High Tech Sensors Used to Investigate Harmful Alga...

NCCOS scientists and their partners from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) are investigating the causes of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and toxicity in Monterey Bay, Calif. from Sept. 5 to ...

NCCOS Coordinates Development of New Korean Projec...

NCCOS staff chaired a two-day meeting in Busan, Republic of Korea (August 29 -30, 2013) convened to finalize a new collaborative project on harmful algae. The project, one component of ...

International Harmful Algae Conference Brings Toge...

The Republic of Korea hosted the 15thInternational Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), October 29 - November 2, 2012. The meeting featured the latest scientific research by the international harmful algal ...


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