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NCCOS Leads Efforts to Prioritize Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Research

In 2014 access to drinking water in Toledo, Ohio was shut downdue to cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom (HAB)toxins from Lake Erie. The National Science Foundation and NOAA responded with a workshop,’ Global Solutions to Regional Problems: Collecting Global Expertise to Address the Problem of Harmful Algal Blooms,’ at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, April 13-14, 2015. Two NCCOS scientists gave plenary talks to set the stage for research priorities discussions. Dr. Greg Doucette summarized the state of the science in his talk,’ Bloom and Toxin Detection,’ and Dr. Richard Stumpf presented,’ Bloom Prediction and Modeling.’

Along with over100 other scientists and managers, NCCOS researchers participated in the research prioritization discussions. The journal Harmful Algae will publish a position paper to address: future research priorities; knowledge gaps; and current best practices for bloom prevention, detection and mitigation from case studies of cyanobacterial HAB event responses.

After the workshop a Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) Open Forum presented the results of the workshop and provided an opportunity for stakeholders to express their priorities.

For more information, contact Quay.Dortch@noaa.gov.