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Coastal Water Quality Monitoring and Tool Developm...

Effective management of shellfish harvest in the US relies on timely and accurate information about the shellfish habitat and the factors that impact it. In some areas, poor water quality ...

Ecotoxicity of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate and Fluor...

Fire retardant foams currently contain fluorine-based chemicals known to be toxic and persist in the environment. Fluorine-free foams are now in development, but little is known about the environmental impacts ...

Land-based Pollution Impacts on Ecosystem Services...

Environmental conditions in the coastal zone are in decline due to increased coastal development and pollution. Using land-use modeling and environmental observations, we are determining the specific links between coastal ...

Marshes on the Margins: Developing Tidal Wetlands ...

We will investigate how the dynamic and heavily altered (e.g., through jetty construction or dredging) estuaries of Southern California will be affected by sea level rise. We will also identify ...


Hypoxia Impacts Macrobenthic Organism Densities an...

Caption: Los Peñasquitos Lagoon, a low-inflow estuary near La Jolla, California with the estuary mouth open. Credit: Michelle Cordrey NCCOS-supported researchers compared macrobenthic organisms in two low-inflow estuaries in Southern ...


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