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NCCOS Spatial Science Will Inform National Aquacul...

A presidential Executive Order signed in May 2020, Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth, establishes NOAA as the lead agency on aquaculture in federal waters, and calls for establishment ...

NCCOS Helps Identify Global Opportunities for Shel...

High (green) to low (red) opportunity marine ecoregions for development of (A) shellfish aquaculture and (B) seaweed aquaculture based on the synthesis of all environmental, socioeconomic, and human health factors ...

OceanReports Tool Now Used in All Phases of Ocean ...

In this Gulf of Mexico example, the OceanReports tool shows data layers for ESA Critical Habitat Designations (red), ports (grey circle), shipping lanes (pink), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management oil ...

New Technique Shows Oyster Shell Seeding is Possib...

The calcein fluorescent dye "tag" is shown here, glowing under special light. Credit: Jason Spires, NCCOS Traditional oyster restoration strategies involve seeding oyster shells with lab-harvested oyster larvae in enclosed ...

NCCOS Scientist Helps Maryland Oyster Grower Decid...

Scott Budden, owner of Orchard Point Oyster Company, checks mortality of oysters at his Chester River, Maryland, oyster lease site. Credit: S. Bricker, NOAA NCCOS. Earlier this month, Dr. Suzanne ...

Study Assesses Social Values Related to Offshore W...

Block Island Wind Farm, coastal Rhode Island. Credit: Rhode Island Sea Grant. NCCOS researchers are using survey data to assess the social values and opinions of coastal residents in North ...


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