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Development and Implementation of an Operational H...

This project developed a prototype operational statistical nowcast/forecast system for three harmful algal bloom (HAB) organisms in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, specifically the dinoflagellates Karlodinium veneficum, Prorocentrum minimus, and the ...

How will Climate Change Affect Harmful Algal Speci...

We are supporting research that will determine how future increases in temperature and ocean acidity will affect harmful algal bloom species (HABs) and their grazers. Light micrograph of Karlodinium veneficum ...


Natural Algicide Eliminates Toxic Algae With Minim...

NCCOS-sponsored research on a natural algicide produced by Shewanella bacteria found that the compound can kill toxic algae without much harm to other organisms. The findings suggest that nature itself ...

Algae with Mixed Feeding Capabilities May have Adv...

New NCCOS-sponsored research shows the importance of “mixotrophy”—the ability to photosynthesize like a plant and consume like an animal—to the growth of some single-celled organisms, such as the toxic dinoflagellate ...


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