Projects Explorer

The NCCOS Project Explorer provides a snapshot of our official, discrete lines of research.
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Evidence on the Use of Built Structures for Coral Reef-Related Applications

Amidst global declines in coral reefs, restoration practitioners and managers are increasingly considering incorporating built structures in restoration. However, information on how built structures have ...

Recovery Horizon Projections for Ship Groundings on Coral Reefs

Ship groundings cause extensive physical destruction to coral reefs, and subsequent recovery can be complicated and prolonged. In this project, we specifically address how coral ...

Spatial Predictive Modeling of Threatened ESA Corals in the U.S. Atlantic and Caribbean

We are using predictive mapping to predict Threatened coral species distributions in the U.S. Atlantic and Caribbean and provide interactive maps of predicted distributions. Outputs ...

Threatened Resources: Bank Systems of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

We undertook an ecological assessment of bank systems in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) to determine what will be lost if these systems ...


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