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NOAA Award Will Aid Long Island Communities and Ne...

NOAA has awarded $125,614 for the first year of an anticipated $591,082, three-year project to New York scientists researching new methods of monitoring and predicting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) caused ...

Award Helps New York Respond to a New Toxic Algal ...

An algal bloom deadly to fish and shellfish was discovered in August 2011 in Great South Bay, Long Island, and grew after Hurricane Irene drenched the region. Littleneck clams. Photo ...

2011 New England "Red Tide" Outlook and Management...

In April 2011 scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-funded Gulf of Maine Toxicity (GOMTOX ) project issued an outlook for a moderate regional bloom of the toxic ...

Toxin Lab Helps Ohio Agencies Respond to Toxic Fre...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science helped establish one of the few labs in the country that can analyze samples for the full spectrum of toxins produced by cyanobacterial ...

Genes Reveal Secrets to Preventing Harmful Brown T...

Brown tide, a harmful algal species that annually plagues mid-Atlantic shellfisheries, owes its success to genes that help it thrive in shallow, nutrient-enriched estuaries, according to new findings from a ...

Study Finds Lake Erie Hypoxic Zone Doesn't Affect ...

Researchers supported through the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science's Ecological Forecasting Program (ECOFORE) have been studying hypoxia in Lake Erie since 2006. In recent findings, researchers at Purdue University ...

NOAA Assists Connecticut and New York with Critica...

The States of Connecticut and New York invited two NOAA program offices to discuss sea-floor mapping of Long Island Sound on January 11-12, 2011. Long Island Sound is a critical ...


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