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NOAA and Partner Scientists Discover Way to Detect...

NOAA scientists and their colleagues have discovered a biological marker in the blood of laboratory zebrafish and marine mammals that shows when they have been repeatedly exposed to low levels ...

Pacific Northwest HAB Project Helps Predict Japane...

Where, how and why harmful algal blooms occur off coastal Washington and Oregon and predicting their arrival on coastal beaches is the goal of the NCCOS sponsored harmful algal bloom ...

NCCOS Research Shows Animals in the Womb Retain Al...

Sea lions suffering from neurotoxic poisoning usually show no interest in their young, and even attack them when they try to suckle. Photograph by Rick Loomis California sea lions have ...

DNA Microarray Tool Successfully Identifies Domoic...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) has developed a DNA microarray for profiling gene expression patterns in blood to aid in clinical and population level studies of domoic ...

External Panel Focuses on Laboratory's Future

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science's Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) recently completed an onsite retreat as a meansto integrate external expert recommendations and guidance to help develop future researchinvestments ...

Deep-sea Corals under Consideration for Essential ...

New research findings on deep-sea corals and seafloor topography along the US west coast are providing important information for fishery management decisions in the region. These fragile habitats are subject ...

Algal Toxins Alter Wildlife Behavior, Researchers ...

Rare aggressive behaviors observed in California sea lion populations, including an attack on swimmers last August, may now be explained as a delayed but temporary symptom of domoic acid poisoning ...

California Seafood Corporation Sentenced to Pay $1...

WASHINGTON - Seafood Solutions Inc., a California corporation, was sentenced in federal court in Los Angeles today to pay $1 million in fines and community service payments for its role ...

Heavy Fines Punish Past Seafood Fraud Transgressio...

Seafood Solutions, Inc., convicted in July, 2011 for intentionally mislabeling inexpensive farmed Asian catfish as more desirable wild-caught grouper, was recently sentenced in federal court. The company is to pay ...

New Red Tide Threatens California Abalone; Respons...

A January 11, 2012 workshop was convened to help state fish and game officials respond to last September's red tide off of Sonoma County, the likely culprit in a massive ...


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