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Mapping Intertidal and Subtidal Habitats of Kachem...

NOAA scientists launch a drone to collect images of local habitats in Alaska. Credit: Ross Whippo. Nearshore habitats are important sources of food, shelter, and services that support diverse ecosystems ...


NCCOS Publishes Findings on 2013 Karenia mikimotoi...

Karenia mikimotoi is a toxic dinoflagellate alga with a cosmopolitan distribution and is a commonly reported red tide species. Blooms of K. mikimotoi have caused large fish and benthic invertebrate ...

HAB Study Confirms Alexandrium in Alaska, Develops...

In an effort to provide forecasting and detection products that empower communities to take action on HAB issues, a new publication in Phycologia documents the presence of Alexandrium fundyense and A. ostenfeldii in Alaska ...

NOS Awards Ceremony Honors Seven NCCOS Employees

The 2015 National Ocean Service (NOS) Employee Recognition and Award Ceremony honored seven NCCOS staff members for outstanding contributions, accomplishments, and coordination efforts within NOS and NOAA. Russell Callender, Acting ...


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