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New Maps Offer Updated Perspective of Southwest Pu...

In support of a watershed restoration initiative in Guanica Bay, researchersfrom the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science released new shallow-water (less than 30 meters deep) sea floor habitat maps ...

Cheaper Ciguatoxin Assay May Rely on Proxy Molecul...

A scanning electron micrograph showing a ventral (topside) view of Gambierdiscus caribaeus collected from Marathon Key, Florida. A recently published finding may contribute to the development of a long-elusive affordable ...

Herbicide Use Near Protected Reserve Requires Care...

As part of a joint investigation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, researchers from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science quantified pollutants that could contaminate the Jobos Bay National ...

Maps of Coral Reef Ecosystem Habitats Enhance Cons...

Since 2000, the National Ocean Service and its partners have mapped more than 3 million acres (12,100 km2) of shallow-water (0–30 meters) coral reef habitats spanning the Pacific, Atlantic and ...

New Study Addresses Coastal Eutrophication in Vieq...

A recently published paper in the journal Tropical Conservation Science presents an environmental baseline of surface water nutrient conditions for lagoons and nearshore waters of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Researchers for ...

Research Cruise Maps Caribbean Mesophotic Corals

The University of Puerto Rico research cruise, April 25-May 10, sponsored by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, used high-resolution bathymetric mapping to further detail the distribution of MCEs ...

2012 'Reef Smart' Event Increases Awareness of Cor...

NCCOS and OCRM's Coral Reef Conservation Program successfully concluded a series of unique community outreach activities in Puerto Rico called 'ReefSmart' - A Coral Reef Ecosystem Education Initiative. The 2012 ...

US Expedition Explores Mysterious Puerto Rican Ree...

A 12-foot hammerhead shark, an undersea canyon that suddenly plunges 900 feet and an enormous orange-and-brown barrel sponge are only a few things in an unexplored Puerto Rican reef that ...

NCCOS Scientists Met with U.S. Coral Reef Task For...

During the week of February 27, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) researchers met with U.S. Coral Reef Task Force stakeholders to provide the status of NCCOS' collaborative research ...

Characterizing and Monitoring Coral Reef Ecosystem...

Staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, along a transect in St. John USVI, July 2011. Quadrat in photograph is 1m x 1m, divided into 10cm2 squares Collaborating with local partners, scientists from ...


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