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11th U.S. Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium Highlights NCCOS Science

The 11th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae highlighted advances in research and development of scientifically sound solutions to aid communities across the country in responding to the increasing impacts from harmful algal blooms in our freshwater and marine systems.

The Oct 23-28 symposium was attended by more than 400 state, tribal, academic, industry, federal, and student scientists. Over 100 more joined remotely for talks and stakeholder conversations.

NCCOS and other NOAA scientists and sponsored researchers served on the conference steering committee, led workshops, chaired special sessions and panel discussions, gave oral and poster presentations and plenary talks, and judged student presentations. Examples include a stakeholder workshop Mechanisms for improved detection of HABs using satellites, and the following special sessions:

The symposium organizers utilized travel support from NCCOS and State Sea Grant programs in Florida, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island to encourage students, postdocs, and managers to attend and get more engaged in the community. Students often cite attendance as the inspiration to pursue advanced degrees in related fields while managers have formed new partnerships and learned about scientific advances benefiting their programs at the symposium.

NCCOS is a major sponsor of the biennial US Symposium on Harmful Algae, the only national conference focused exclusively on HABs, which provides a comprehensive look at harmful algae and its impacts on the United States marine and freshwater environment. For more information on the 11th US HAB Symposium see the full program here with linked presentation abstracts and a complete list of sponsors.