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EnvironMentors 2013 National Fair Judging

On May 20th, NCCOS's Dr. Susan Baker and an NMFS colleague judged the 'Aquatic Research' category of the National Environmentors Fair. The winning project, from the Colorado State University Chapter, ...

Website Overhaul Brings Coastal Science Informatio...

After a few years of planning, sweat, tears, scores of meetings, loads of paperwork, and three different acting deputy directors, the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science soft-released its new, ...

Scientist Honored for Forging Internship Opportuni...

On October 19, NCCOS scientist Dr. Teresa McTigue was awarded the University of Maryland's 2012 Distinguished Alumna Award by the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences's Department of Biology ...

Latest Oxford Day Shines Light on Laboratory

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science's Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) recently conducted an open house in conjunction with the Town of Oxford's yearly Oxford Day event. The Cooperative Oxford ...

USA Science and Engineering Festival Wows the Publ...

NOAA joined others and celebrated science at the USA Science and Engineering Festival on April 28 & 29, 2012. The festival was open to the public, free, and held in ...

Lab Event Inspires the Next Generation of Underwat...

Alaska students are training to be future marine scientists and underwater explorers through innovative science education opportunities provided by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS). To inspire younger ...

Workshop Builds Local Science Capacity in Alaska

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) Kasitsna Bay Laboratory provided multidisciplinary marine science training for 12 tribal environmental coordinators from Alaska Native villages across the state in the ...

NOAA Supports Regional Science Fairs

NOAA 'Taking the Pulse of the Planet' award is at regional and state science fairs affiliated with the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) to students (one middle, one ...

STEM Education Message Strengthened at Student Sci...

On March 26-28, 2012, representatives from theNational Ocean Service and National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science attended the Sixth NOAA Education and Science Forum hosted by the Environmental Cooperative Science ...

"NOAA in the Caribbean" Newsletter Connects Region...

The NOAA Southeast and Caribbean Regional Team, with support from National Centers for Coastal OceanScience (NCCOS), launched the "NOAA in the Caribbean" newsletter on February 29, 2012. This new quarterly ...
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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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