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Investigating Diamondback Terrapin Die-Offs in New...

From late April into May 2015 hundreds of diamondback terrapin turtles ( Malaclemys terrapin) began dying and washing up on beaches in the western part of Long Island, New York ...

Additional Toxin Data Helped Ohio Deliver Safe Dri...

Persistent concerns about toxins in Toledo, Ohio's drinking water following August's large, cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Erie prompted a follow-up investigation supported by NCCOS. At the time, the bloom led ...

Gliders Map Large Red Tide Bloom in Gulf of Mexico...

NCCOS is supporting the rapid deployment of self-propelled underwater robotic gliders to map an emerging red tide bloom in the Gulf of Mexico. The bloom of Karenia brevis, Florida Red ...

NCCOS Aids Pennsylvania Response to First CyanoHAB...

The NCCOS Harmful Algal Bloom Event Response Program is assisting the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) respond to and document the first cyanobacteria harmful algal bloom (CyanoHAB) in ...

NCCOS Responds to Harmful Algal Bloom Event Threat...

The NCCOS Harmful Algal Bloom Event Response Program approved a request supporting rapid response to a harmful algal bloom (HAB) in the Indian River Lagoon system of East Central Florida ...

Funds Issued to Aid Manatees Harmed by Red Tide

In order to develop better methods of treatment, a researcher from the Mote Marine Lab received harmful algal bloom Event Response Program funds to investigate the physiological effects of brevetoxin ...

NOAA Funds Response to Toxic Algal Bloom in Gulf o...

As a first-ever precautionary response to an unprecedented bloom of the toxic alga Pseudo-nitzschia in its waters, Maine officials have temporarily banned shellfish harvesting along part of the coast. A ...

Early Onset of Harmful Algal Bloom Leads to Long I...

Selected inlet-estuary areas on eastern Long Island have been placed under temporary emergency shellfish closures by the State of New York. On April 5, 2012, New York announced the earliest-ever ...

Training in Shellfish Toxin Screening Provided to ...

Training on rapid screening tools was provided to the state of Alaska, university scientists, regulators, educators, and shellfish industry leaders. Credit: B. Himmelbloom, University of Alaska Fairbanks. In June 2010, ...


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