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NCCOS Judges Underwater Robotics Competition for Middle and High School Students

NCCOS researchers served as judges of the 2017 Charleston Regional SeaPerch Challenge held in Charleston, South Carolina. The eventprovides middle and high school students with the opportunity to learn about science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) as part of a science and engineering technology curriculum.

2017 Charleston Regional SeaPerch Challenge
2017 Charleston Regional SeaPerch Challenge. Credit: Katy W. Chung.

The competition offers students a hands-on educational tool that builds teamwork and problem solving skills. Students presented an engineering poster of their projects and entered their ROVs in a timed aquatic finesse and obstacle course. Winning teams will participate in the National SeaPerch Challenge at Georgia Tech in May.

For more information, contact Katy.Chung@noaa.gov.