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Workshop Kicks-off Regional Acoustics Consortium

Scientists and managers will meet on the Florida International University – Biscayne Bay Campus March 13-15 for the inaugural meeting of a new regional consortium for advancing underwater acoustics technologies in coastal ecosystem management.

The primary objectives for the Consortium are to establish an open forum to share expertise and assets related to active acoustics (e.g., fishery sonars), to inform regional managers on the state-of-the-science, and to identify data gaps and science needs that could be filled by advanced acoustic technologies.

The three day agenda includes formal presentations, open discussion and hands-on demonstration of emerging technologies. The SouthEast Acoustics Consortium (SEAC) is co-founded by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Sciences, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Florida International University and Duke University.

Participants represent academic institutions, state and federal agencies, and private industries in the Southeast US, Gulf of Mexico and US Caribbean.

Workshop details and an agenda can be found on the Consortium website.