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NCCOS Research Informs New Management Plan for Yellow Perch in Lake Erie

Yellow perch comprise Lake Erie’s largest commercial fishery and second most important recreational fishery. We presented research results from the NCCOS ecological forecasting (EcoFore) Lake Erie project to the Lake Erie Percid Management Advisory Group (LEPMAG) at the Lake Erie Committee of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission meeting on March 27, 2013.

The primary purpose of LEPMAG is for fishery managers and stakeholders to collaborate updating the harvest policies for walleye and yellow perch. This group consists of stakeholders from all jurisdictions surrounding Lake Erie, Lake Erie managers, and agency staff; they will be developing a new management plan for yellow perch.

EcoFore research has demonstrated the need to include environmental variability into LEPMAG model development, especially the impacts of deep water hypoxia and sediment plumes from the Maumee River. Another factor to consider is climate change and related effects on watershed and lake processes.EcoFore research will factor heavily into future LEPMAG discussions and potential management models.

For more information, contact Elizabeth.Turner@noaa.gov