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Hypoxia Special Session Lead by NCCOS at 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting

Leading a special session on advances in hypoxia modelling, scientists from NCCOS contributed to the global mission of the 2015 Aquatic Sciences (ASLO) Meeting in Grenada, Spain which focused on global and regional patterns of aquatic systems. The hypoxia special session highlighted diverse modeling approaches to a variety of issues from the development of hypoxia to the ecological effects of hypoxia on regional ecosystems.

The 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting is held in Granada, Spain. (Credit Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography)
The 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting was held in Granada, Spain, which is home to the Moorish fortress complex, the Alhambra (pictured above). The ASLO meeting was held in the Granada Congress and Exhibition Center. Credit: Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography.

NCCOS scientists and sponsored investigators presented research results regarding the effects of hypoxia and ocean acidification on juvenile bivalves and fish, communicating ocean acidification to stakeholders and policymakers the Northwest Atlantic, South Florida Marine Ecosystem Goal Setting, combining flow cytometry and video technology for harmful algal blooms, and nutrient controls of toxic cyanoblooms in the context of global nutrient pattern.

For more information, contact Elizabeth.Turner@noaa.gov.